Imagine He gets mad cause your ex keeps contacting you

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Luke: you and Luke and the boys were chilling at Luke and Ashton's house and your ex kept texted you and Luke saw this and took your phone and called him you said "Luke what are you doing?" He said "giving him a pice of my mind." Your ex picked up thinking it was you but boy was he wrong. Luke said "listen here boy don't ever contact this number again she's taken by someone better than you and obviously you haven't moved on even know you have a girl guess she's not like yn but your to late now have a good life yebn see you never cause she doesn't want you anymore she has me leave her alone now for good please she doesn't want you anymore get that through your head you treated her like shit I treat her way better than you do." Then he hung up and pulled you close and said "took care of him." You said "thank you." He said "no one messes with my girlfriend." You smiled happy that you had him.

Calum: your ex was constantly contacting you on everything this pissed Calum off so he took your phone and FaceTimed him you said "what the hell are you doing?!?" He said "talking to him I'm not letting him talk to you anymore he needs to leave you the fuck alone." Your ex picked up and was surprised to see Calum he said "listen here boy she's taken now she moved on you should to you have a girlfriend she has a new boyfriend so leave her alone go hangout with your new girl don't dread on the past now never call this number again got it?" Your ex nodded his head and then Calum hung up and hugged you tight and said "he's not geting you back ever." You said "nope he's not I have someone way better than him." Calum smiled you were so happy to finally have found the boy of your dreams.

Michael: your ex is constantly on you meaning online and Michael didn't like that so he DMED him to stop contacting you and to leave you alone and your ex asked who he was and he said yn new boyfriend so leave her alone please I'm asking you Nicely and he did leave you alone which was a good thing. Michael walked down and sat next to you and said "don't worry I took care of him." You said "thanks I know I can always count on you." He said "yes you can I'm better for you then he was." You smiled and said "Yas you are." He made you so happy and he was happy to have you too and you knew he would always be here to protect you.

Ashton: your ex was annoying you once again Ashton took your phone and FaceTimed him he said "listen dude stop contacting my girl yes she's dating me now who is way better than you were ever to her she told me all about you now leave her alone and never contact her again she's moved on and you did too so go enjoy your new girl." Then he hung up you smiled and said "thanks baby." He said "no problem love I love you so much I'm not allowing him to do that to you." You smiled happy to have him here for you he was so much better for you and you know he'll always be here to help and always be here for you.

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