BSM: him and the boys surprises you at your high school graduation

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*18 in all*

Luke: you were so upset that Luke couldn't make it to your high school graduation you didn't want to go without him being there in the crowd but you sadly had to you got there and peaked out into the crowd and saw your family minus Luke and the boys but the boys families were there too you were also saying a speech and you were really hoping that the boys and Luke would have been here to hear it. It was time for you guys to walk out you guys walked out and then the speeches started you were up first you got up on the stand and said "hi I'm yn Hemmings and I dedicate this speech to my brother and his friends who are like brothers to me they're sadly on a world tour right now but I understand that's Their job and that's what they love to do." Then you looked to your family and saw Luke and the others you gasped and had a huge smile on your face you did your speech and everyone clapped you got off stage and then took your seat they then called everyone's name you got your diploma and then headed back to your seat then it ended you through your cap up in the air and then ran off to your family you ran into Luke's arms and he hugged you tightly he said "you really think we would miss this?" You said "no I'm so happy you guys made it." You hugged the others then went to celebrate.

Ashton: it was almost your turn to go up for your Diploma you were really hoping the boys and Ashton would be here for this special moment in your life but sadly they had to work you sighed and then they called you up you looked up and saw Ashton you screamed and ran to him he hugged you and handed you your diploma he said "I'm so proud of you." You said "I'm so happy you made it." He said "wouldn't have missed it for anything."Then you went back to your seat and then afterwards you saw the others and hugged them to you were so happy that they made it to your special day you couldn't stop smiling afterwards you guys went to celebrate you were so happy.

Calum: you really wish Calum would be here but sadly him and the boys couldn't make it due to their flight being delayed and they even promised you they would make it but it's nothing they can do you were going on stage to read your speech you look into the crowd and saw Calum and the boys you gasped and said into the mic "you guys made it!!" Everyone looked who you were talking to and the boys and your brother gave you a thumbs up you were so happy after you were done with your speech and got your diploma you ran to Calum him catching you and said "I'm so happy you guys are here!!!" They said "we're happy we made it here we didn't think we would." You smiled so happy to have them here with you on this special day of yours then you guys celebrate me afterwards.

Michael: you knew him and the boys were on tour but you had small hope that they would show up on your special day but sadly you didn't see them yet that's until you went up on stage to receive your diploma and then you saw him and the boys you screamed and then ran to them and gave them a hug then headed back to your seat after it was done you ran to them and hugged him and said "I knew you guys would make it!!!" They said "we wouldn't have missed this special moment in your life for anything." You smiled happy to have these boys in your life them you guys went to celebrate.

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