BSM your boyfriend abuses you and a 1D Boy catchs him

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Luke(age16): you were so happy that you're boyfriend was with his friends today because that meant you didn't have to deal with him,You tired breaking things off with him last night cause he abuses you hard cause he's a alcoholic and you didn't dare to tell Luke cause you knew he would kill him and you're boyfriend wouldn't let you break up with him. You walked in from the mall with your friends you walked in and heard voices in the living room you smiled when you saw the boys and 1D boys then you saw the one boy you didn't want to see today or ever again you're boyfriend. You walked upstairs and put you're things away then walked back downstairs and said "hey boys." They said "hey yn." You said "Luke can I talk to you for a moment please." You're boyfriend gave you a glare as he was looking at you, you walked into the kitchen with Luke and said "why is ybn here?" He said "Louis is friends with him and asked if he could come hangout with us and I said yes why is there a problem? Are you guys ok?"You said "no there's no problem here I was just wondering that's all and yeah we're great."He said "ok."

Then you guys walked back out into the living room and you're boyfriend said "can I talk to you for a moment." You knew it wasn't going to be talking you said "no I'll stay right here we have nothing to talk about and you're with you're friends so enjoy your time with your friends we'll talk later." He said "oh yes we do have something to talk about and they can wait and it can't wait until later." He grabbed you're arm roughly and brought you into the kitchen he said "did you tell him?!?!" You said "no I didn't tell him!!!" He said "liar that's all you do is lie!!!" You said "I don't lie and that's not all I do that's all you do!!!" He then slapped you across the face little did you know Louis saw the whole thing and came in and said to you're now ex boyfriend and his now ex friend"leave and get the hell out of here we're no longer friends and you don't ever hit a girl ever no wonder why none of them want you leave before her brother murders you and he's pressing charges on you have fun in jail no one will bail you out." He left then Louis picked you up and carried you into the living room you were crying Luke asked "what the hell happened?" Louis said "her ex boyfriend and my ex friend YEBN, wanted to talk to her and she didn't want to talk he dragged her into the kitchen yelled at her and then he slapped her across the face and it didn't look like it was the first time he did that either." Luke took you from Louis and hugged you and said "why didn't you tell me?" You said "he told me not to tell anyone and I tried breaking up with him and he wouldn't let me." Luke said "don't worry I'll take care of him you'll never have to see him ever again after I'm done with him." You nodded and then you just hung out with the boys the rest of the day.

Calum(age17): You were at you're boyfriend's house fighting again because he thinks you're cheating on him since you've been hangout with Calum a lot and the other boys too, that's because they were going on tour again soon and you wanted time with your brother's, you said "YBN I would never cheat on you and you know that for a fact you have friends over so go hangout with them and I'll get out of your hair so I'm not bothering you or your friends."You tried to walk away but he grabbed your wrist tightly and roughly you said "YBN you're hurting me let go of me." He said "I don't care we're not done here with this conversation." You were about to say something when you heard a voice say "I think you guys are and she's not you're girlfriend anymore and I'm not you're friend anymore her brother will press charges have fun in jail YBN you don't ever lay a finger on a girl." It was harry you ran to him you're now ex boyfriend said "I knew you loved my best friend more than me I'll get you for this but every one of my other girlfriends did too I'll get you both for this."

Then you and harry left as you're ex boyfriend distorted his room you guys arrived back at you're house and you walked in and Calum asked "you ok?" You didn't say anything you just looked at Harry and he said "no she's not her now ex boyfriend who is now my ex friend got into a fight and he got physical with her he grabbed her wrist tightly." You said "it wasn't the first time either I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry." Calum came over to you and hugged you and said "don't worry you'll never have to deal with him again after I'm done with him you have nothing to worry about." Then you hung out with him and the boys the rest of the day.

Michael(age:18):Now all the boys in your school knew better to never hurt you or else Michael and the boys would have their head accept for this one idiot who happened to be dating you, you tried to break things off with him the night before but he wouldn't let you thank gosh you didn't have to see him today since he was with his friends little did you know he was friends with Niall who was at you're house of course when wasn't he here and same with the others you walked in and said "oh great." You're boyfriend saw you and smiled at you and you said "you better not come near me or else they'll kill you if you lay a hand on me or I'll call the cops." Niall said "has he done that to you before has he laid a hand on you before?" You were about to say something when your boyfriend said "she's going to say yes but that's a lie I never touched her in my life I would never do that to any girls." Niall said "mate I've known her longer than I've known you she would never lie if she says yes then leave because you don't deserve a amazing girl like her or any girl have fun back in jail obviously you didn't change."

You're now ex boyfriend left Michael walked into the room and said "is everything ok?" You said "yeah just peachy." He said "what's wrong?" You said "you know how I said no boy in my school would dare to hurt me because they are afraid of you boys well this idiot decided to hurt me physically I tired breaking up with him he wouldn't let me but now he's gone thanks to Niall and him and Niall are not friends anymore." Michael hugged you and said "why didn't you tell me earlier?" You said "cause he was going to kill me if I told anyone." Michael said "don't worry once I'm done with him you won't ever have to see him again." You said "good." Then you hung out with them the rest of the day.

Ashton:(age:19): You ran home from school so happy cause you didn't have to deal with you're boyfriend cause he was with friends but you didn't realize he was friends with Liam and the 1D boys were over and so were the others you groaned once you saw you're boyfriend he said "hey babe." You said "go away I'm not your babe so don't be calling me that." He said "I told you last night that that wasn't going to happen so you are still my babe." You said "it will happen once I tell the boys what you're doing to me." You turned around to walk into the living room and you're boyfriend grabbed your arm and said "I wouldn't do that if I was you." You pulled your arm away from him and said "watch me." You walked into the living room with you're boyfriend hot on you're tail you said "boys this boy is abusing me and told me not to tell you guys because then he would have to kill me I tried breaking up with him last night he wouldn't let me he's all yours now boys." Liam said "leave this house you're not allowed near her or any of us anymore we're done being friends have a nice life YEBN have fun in jail for a long time." He left Ashton hugged you and said "don't worry we'll take care of him you won't have to deal with him anymore." You said "thank you." Ashton said "anything for you." Then you guys hung out the rest of the day.

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