BSM: your boyfriend cheats on you

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Luke:(age:16): you were in school trying to find your boyfriend cause you haven't talked to him or seen him all day and that was very unusual for him he always made time for you when you found him you saw him with another girl you walked up behind them and the girl said "what about your girlfriend her brother plus his band mates will kill you for doing this to her." Your boyfriend said "I don't care I don't love her I love you your the one I wanted always." You felt tears well up in your eyes and you said "well you can have her we're so over I can't believe you did this to me have fun dealing with my brother and his band mates." It was the end of the day so you quickly walked out of the school and saw your brother's car right away you hopped in and said "just drive please tell me the boys are over." He said "yeah they are." You said "good I'll explain what happened when we get home I need all you guys to hear this nightmare." He said "is it really that bad?" You said "yes it is." You guys arrived at your house you walked in and went to your room to put your bag away and then you walked back down stairs and said "ybn cheated on me with this girl who he loved ever since they've been hooking up behind my back and he said he never loved me I feel so used." You just cried luke hugged you tightly and said "don't worry we'll take care of him and you don't need a guy like him in your life all you need is us and no one else." You said "your right."

Then Luke handed you to Calum and you him and Ashton watched a movie while Luke and Michael went to go take care of your ex you were so thankful to have these boys in your life.

Ashton:(age:17): you were having a party at your house and of course the boys where there plus the one direction boys too you guys were having a blast then you decided to go look for your boyfriend who said he was going to the bathroom and was still not back you went upstairs and heard a girl moaning your boyfriends name your heart sank and you slammed opened the door and saw your now ex boyfriend and your so call friend having sex with eachother you said "this relationship and friendship is over I can't believe you did this to me, me of all people you both should know not to mess with me but I guess not cause now my brother and his band mates will beat the living shit out of you have fun with that that will teach you not to mess with me." You then slammed the door shut and stomped downstairs and went over to the couch and just cried your eyes out you felt someone next to you it was luke he hugged you and you said "where's ash?" He said "taking care of business in your room he heard you yelling and saw the whole scene he was in his room." You said "oh I didn't know that." Ashton then walked downstairs and you saw your ex and your ex friend run out of the house Ashton came over to you and hugged you tightly and said "you don't need either of them all you need is us that's all you need." You nodded and said "I toally agree with you." You were happy to have a brother like him.

Calum:(age:18): you were heading to your boyfriend's house it was your anniversary you just walked into his house cause you practically lived there you walked into his room without knocking I mean you guys have done it before so it was nothing new if he was naked. You walked in and saw another girl on top of him but not just any girl your so called best friend your now ex boyfriend said "babe this is not what it looks like." You said "looks like to me your fucking my best friend or now ex best friend have a good life you two have fun dealing with my brother." You walked out and went to your car you got to your house and slammed the door the boys were over but you didn't know that and your brother was home too you didn't know that either you slid down the door and just cried then Calum picked you up and once you calmed down you explained what happened he said "stay here with Luke Ashton come with me we have some business to take care of." You didn't care that they were doing this you watched movies until they came back and Calum said "you won't be seeing either of the ever again you don't need them you got us." You said "thank you and yeah I got you guys I don't need anyone else." He smiled and hugged you you were thankful to have a brother like him.

Michael:(age:19): you would think people would know not to mess with you because of your brother right most of the guys in your school knew that accept for this one stupid guy who decided to cheat on you you said to him "you made a big mistake good luck surviving my brother plus his band mates you'll be dead after they deal with you." You turned around right into your brother and the boys they heard the whole thing you went over to the boys as Michael yelled at your ex and punched him in the face then you guys left and Michael said "you don't need him you got us his such a ass for doing that to you of all people he's so stupid but that taught him." You said "he is and yeah I got you boys I'm good and he is stupid he was so scared I'm going to mock him for the rest of this life about that." Then you guys left and went to a movie and dinner you were so happy to have these boys in your life.

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