Imagine You're fangirling over his band and him and the boys catchs you

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Luke: you and your friend were up stairs when your friend gasped you said "what?" She said "finally new 5sos music is coming Yas Kings yas!!!!" You squealed and said "oh my gosh Yas yes!!!" You guys both screamed and you heard multiple foot steps running up the stairs luke said "you alright Babe?" You said "no you boys killed me I'm so happy right now ugh." He was confused and said "how did we kill you?" You said "you're releasing new music but when?" Giving him the best puppy dogs eyes He said "you'll have to wait and see." You rolled your eyes and said "fine I'll wait like all the other fans even know I'm your girlfriend and you love me but I guess that doesn't matter." Luke chuckled and said "nice try that's not going to work on me." And wrapped his arms around you You groaned and then you guys decided to continue talking about them.

Calum: your friend said "didn't you like Luke in the band?" You said "I love them all Calum just asked me out before Luke did so I'm with him." She said "true I'm so fucking jelous that your dating one of them I would be fucking him everyday and every night." You said "I know you would I would do the whole band just kidding I know they heard that now I'm not going to hear the end of this now." You heard laughing outside the door and you opened it and said "told you they were there." Calum hugged you and said "oh you know we love you." You said "yeah yeah yeah." He chuckled and kissed you on the head then you and your friend just talked to them the rest of the night.

Ashton: you and your friends were watching YouTube videos of 5SOS in yours and Ashton's living room in your appartment. You were so into the videos that you didn't even know that the boys walked in until you heard them laughing you said "fangirl life." Ashton smiled and said "this is one of the many reasons why I love you." You smiled and then they watched them with you and your friends you guys had a fun night.

Michael:your friend got you tickets to see 5sos and they were vip to you were so happy you haven't seen Michael in 5 months. You guys arrived and waited in line you saw him and squealed when you saw all the boys you ran to them and hugged all the boys Michael the longest of course you said "I'm so happy to see you boys again." Michael chuckled and said "we missed you too and your such a fangirl." You blush and said "you love me." He said "we know you do." You loved the concert of course that was of course the best night of your life your friends of course enjoyed it and they loved it too.

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