Imagine You're his best friend and you're jelous of his girlfriend

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Luke: you and Luke are like brother and sister you guys did everything together but once the girlfriend came into the picture he wanted to do more with her than with you and you weren't happy about that. Today you and Luke planned to have a day for just the two of you but of course the girlfriend had to come along and get in the way you weren't happy about that Luke notice you were upset and said "what's wrong?" You said "I just wanted it to be me and you I didn't want her to join us." He said "she wanted to come do you have a problem with her?" You said "no but I miss the way things were before she came into the picture I liked it when it was only us." He said "are you jealous?" You nodded your head he said "we'll have a movie night tonight at my house just the two of us Does that sound good?" You said "yeah that sounds perfect." He said "great." You were happy Luke still wanted to hangout with you.

Calum: you were at the beach with calum and his new girlfriend who you didn't like because you felt like she was taking him away from you. You and calum have been best friends since forever your families were really close. You just felt left out today because he didn't even notice you. You started going for a walk when he finally noticed you for the first time today and said "hey yn wait what's wrong?" You said "I'm jealous ok and I feel left out because not once today have you said anything to me." He said "I'm sorry I got so caught up with hgn I forgot you were here." You said "I notice you guys enjoy I'll just leave." He said "no we want you to stay want to come with us to get icecream?" You said "sure." The rest of the day he included you in everything you were happy you weren't going to lose him.

Michael: you were waiting for Michael to come get you from school he still wasn't here. A hour went by and he was still not here, you were about to call him but then he arrived he said "I'm sorry I got caught up with my girlfriend." You said "of course you did." He said "what's your problem?" You said "nothing I just feel like you care more about her then me." He said "I care about both of you equally." You rolled your eyes and said "yeah right you care more about her then me." He said "you're my best friend yn of course I care about you and I've known you longer then her you're just jelous." You said "I'm." He said "don't worry I'll never forget about you I'll always be here for you." You said "ok good." We got to his house and just had the rest of the day to our selfs.

Ashton: you were at a award show with Ashton and he was ignoring you the whole night he was so distracted by his girlfriend it seemed like he doesn't even care about you anymore. At the end of the night when you guys got back to her house you said "why didn't you talk to me the whole night?" He said "I talked to you." You said "not a lot why did I even go if you were just going to talk to your girlfriend the whole time." He said "because your my best friend and you wanted to come to support me I'm sorry I forgot about you and didn't talk to you a lot." You said "it's ok I just got. A little bit jelous that's all."he said "don't worry I'm always here for you I'm never going to forget about you."Then you and him just had a night for the two of you.

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