Imagine a "fan" insults you and he defends you

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Luke: you were walking around the mall with Luke and the boys you walked into a store and saw a cute dress that you loved you went into the changing room and tried it on you walked out to show the boys they said they loved it and Luke said you looked sexy in it you smiled then this one girl was giving you a dirty look and said "you look so ugly in that dress I was going to get but now that I saw you in it I don't want it anymore." You were shocked that she said that in front of the boys Luke said "excuse me she looks beautiful in that dress and that's fine if you don't want to buy the dress but just because you don't like the dress doesn't mean you can insult my girlfriend now leave hope to never see you at any of our events ever if you do you'll get kicked out no one insults any of our girlfriends." You smiled happy Luke did that you ended up buying the dress of course he paid for it for you and you rolled your eyes and said "I had the money for that." He said "I know I just like spoiling you." He gave you a side hug and you smiled and said "thank you babe for defending me back there." He said "anything for you no one insults my girl." You smiled happy to have found a perfect guy like him.

Ashton: you and Ashton were at the beach with the one direction boys and the others of course crystal Eleanor and Cheryl And Serria  were there too so was bear and Freddie you girls were playing with Freddie and bear when you heard a girl snicker behind you and you said "'may I help you?" She said "yeah you make me want to puke seeing you in that bathing suit which is beautiful but not on a fat cow like you plus those kids don't even like you they hate you they want you to get away from them." They didn't realize that the boys were heading over to you girls and Ashton heard this and said "leave my beautiful girlfriend alone you don't ever say that to anyone especially my girlfriend of all people if you guys consider yourself fans then don't be saying shit like that leave we never want to see you at any of our events ever again how dare you say that to my girl you are disgusting and that was so disrespectful too now leave her alone and leave us alone." She left you smiled at ashton and said "thanks babe." He said "no problem baby no one messes with my girl." You smiled and then enjoyed the rest of the day with the boys and the other girlfriends.

Calum: you were walking to Calum's car you just got out of school when this girl said "hey gold digger." Calum heard this and got out of the car and went over to the girl and said "she's not a gold digger she makes her own living and has her own money she loves me for me not because of my money next time think twice before you say that because now you got yourself banned from all my events hope to never see you again." She was shocked that that just happened you smiled and said "thanks babe." He kissed your lips and said "no problem no one messes with you or insults you ever." You smiled then you got in the car and spent the rest of the day with him and the boys you were so happy to have him in your life.

Michael: you were at a water park you were getting on a water slide with Michael when a girl said "I hope she doesn't break the ride." Michael heard this and got up and said "she won't cause she beautiful and she's fine she's at a perfect weight you have to think before you say things that's was so disrespectful and disgusting that I can't even bear to look at you I hope to never ever see you at any of our events ever again." The girl just stood there as he climbed back into the tube you said "thank you for that." He said "no problem anything for you I love you so much and she shouldn't have said that about you cause it's not true." You smiled and then enjoyed the ride and the rest of the day with the best boyfriend that you could ever ask for.

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