BSM: you meet the one direction boys

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Michael(Age 14): you love one direction they're your all time favorite band and you never got to meet while your brother was touring with them because you were on vacation with your parents and you were so upset about that you cried for many nights but you knew your brother and them were still close you were walking home from the mall when you saw 7 Other cars you knew 3 of them were Ashton's,calum's and luke but you didn't know who the other 4 were you walked in and put your stuff down that you got and walked into the living room you gasped once you saw who was here it was one direction you were freaking out in the inside but just stood there in shock you were frozen Michael said "boys this is my sister YN YN these are the one direction boys Louis Liam Niall and Harry but I don't think I had to tell you that you already knew who they are." You stood there shock they all came over and gave you a hug and said nice to meet you, you then snapped out of it and said "nice to meet you guys too I'm a huge fan." Niall said "we heard and we also heard that you have a soft spot for harry so we saved you a seat next to him." You blushed and sat next to him you guys just talked the rest of the day and got to know each other they liked you and you were happy about that after they left you screamed and ran around the house freaking out.

Luke:(age 16:) you came home from you're friends house and you yelled to your brother "I'm home." He said "in the kitchen." You walked into the kitchen and saw him and the boys and the one direction boys you gasped you were surprised to see them they said hi to you you said "oh hi huge fan by the way love ya guys thanks for the warning Luke." You looked at Luke he shrugged Louis said "we can tell by your shirt love the shirt by the way love." You look at your  shirt and realize you were wearing you OTRA shirt that you got when you saw them in Sydney. You blushed and said "yeah you guys are amazing live ugh I loved it I want to go back so bad I saw harry here when he was here and he did amazing too I love go to your shows." Liam said "glade you liked it we'll be back soon don't worry and harry is a amazing performer live isn't he ." You smiled at harry who was smiling at you and you said "yeah he is I loved seeing him live it was the best night of my life I had front row and everything ." Harry smiled at you and said "thank you." You smiled back and said "you're welcome."

Then you guys talked for the rest of the day you were so happy after they left you were on cloud 9 and you freaked out.

Calum(age 17):you were at home with your friend and you knew that your brother was having a small party with him and the boys and a couple of other boys you didn't think anything of it your friend said "gosh I wish I could touch Harry's hair and do things to him." You said "same I want to see what it feels like and I want to do so much to him." She said "same it probly feels like heaven he's probably heaven." You said "yeah I wish I was friends with them so I could just talked to them about anything that is on my mind and about anything." Your friend said "same I think liam would be the best listener out of them." You said "same he's probly great at giving advice too and would help you out with anything that is on your mind." You sighed and your friend said "yeah he would be amazing." You both sighed then there was a knock on your door you said "come in." It was the one direction boys you and your friend were speechless but you manged to get out "please tell me you didn't hear any of that we didn't mean like dirty things we meant like um dating wise?" It came out more of a question They said "we heard it all and we would love to be friends with you guys you girls seem like amazing girls." You smiled and you guys talked to them the whole time your brother was happy you guys were friends and surprised that you actually talked to them after they left you and your friend fangirled over what just happened.

Ashton(age 13): you were at the studio with your brother on your phone because you were borad you were on twitter spamming the 1D boys to follow you then you got a notification and it said niall horan followed you on twitter you dropped your phone and screamed then 3 others popped up saying the other three followed you too you were freaking out then harry tweeted you saying I can't wait to meet you:)xx H you were freaking out and running around the room the boys were laughing at you then a couple mintues later the 1D boys walked you were speechless and frozen at the same time they said hi to you and gave you a hug you manged to get out a small hi you talked to them when they asked you questions and stuff after they left you turned to your brother and his friends and said "what the hell just happened?" They laughed at you you were so happy

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