Imagine you meet your celeberitie crush

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Luke: you had the biggest crush on harry styles but who won't I mean with his big green eyes and his perfect smile and his hair plus he's such a sweetheart that's what you heard and you never met him before and have been dying to meet him you woke up and walked down stairs expecting only the boys plus Luke to be there but no you walked in and all of one direction is there too you gasped and said "oh my gosh." You ran out of the room and ran up to yours and Luke's shared bedroom and got dress and did your hair and makeup and then walked back downstairs Ashton said "only if you dressed nice for us when we came over and that quick When we want to do stuff." You rolled your eyes and said "well you would do the same if your celebrity crush was here and I use to at the begin but now that I know you guys well I couldn't give 2 fucks about what I wear around you guys and I can be quick when needing to be and when I want to be." Calum said "which one is your celebrity crush and don't say all because we all know you love one of them more than the others." You glared at Calum and said "boy I love them all equally like I love you boys equally too accept I love Luke more for obvious reasons that you guys know about." Luke said "so do I have to tell them which one or will you?" He smirked at you and you said "shut up no you don't have to tell them." Then you said a proper hello to the one direction boys you hugged all of them but you hugged harry the longest and Niall said "he's definitely her celebrity crush why else would she still be hugging him." You blushed madly and Luke said "he is she never shuts up about him ever." You rolled your eyes and harry just laughed and said "I find that cute and any fan of mine would do that." You smiled Luke said "back off styles she's mine." and wrapped his arms around you Harry said "don't worry she's all yours mate." Then you and Harry just talked to whole time obviously you talked to the others to but you and harry became best friends that day which you were toally fine with you never pictured this happening ever you were so happy.

Calum: you were heading over to your celebrity crushes house which was Niall Horan cause he was throwing a party and you and Calum were both invited to it Calum walked in and you held his hand you were shaking Calum said "he'll love you." You said "I know." Then you guys walked over to him he was even more hot in person and didn't help he was shirtless too you couldn't help but stare Niall smirked at you and said "like what you see." You snapped out of it and blushed and then gave him a long hug you didn't let go for a while until Ashton said "get a room." You pulled away and rolled your eyes and said "I have Calum." Calum said "good you remember you have a boyfriend." You rolled your eyes then you and Niall talked for almost the whole party he was everything you imagined he would be that was the start of a amazing friendship that Calum approved you were so happy this happened to you and you wouldn't change it for anything.

Ashton:you were just chilling at home when he walked in with Liam James Payne your all time celebrity crush you gasped and legit fell off the couch you jumped up and dusted yourself off Liam asked "you ok love." In his beautiful British accent that you fall in love with every time you hear him speak you were in a daydream then you snapped out of it and said "yeah I'm fine." He said "ok good." Then you gave him a hug and didn't let go until Ashton cleared his throat then you liam talked the whole day and became good friends you were so happy this day has came you finally got to tell him everything you've been dying to tell him you were so happy that his is your life now.

Michael: louis William Tomlinson was in your pool right now shirtless you couldn't help but stare Eleanor said "like what you see there?" You snapped out of it and said "um yeah he's my celebrity crush and he's shirtless at my house but don't worry he's all yours I got that one." You were staring at Michael now Eleanor laughed and said "you're fine love don't worry I get a lot of girls saying that." You said "I do too." Then louis came over and you guys talked that was the best day of your life you couldn't believe this was your life now you never imagine any of this ever happening to you.

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