Calum BSM requested by Camilla

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Camilla is in an abusive relationship with her boyfriend, it got to much for her so she decided to turn to hurting her self meaning cutting herself, one day she was not feeling well (faking it to be away from her boyfriend) but Calum has to record and he doesn't want her to be alone so he calls over the rest of the boys to keep an eye on her, when they arrived she said she had to use the bathroom they said ok and she headed to the bathroom but little did they know she was cutting herself she made a couple new cuts but then Michael walks in on her cutting and he was shocked then he yelled for the rest of the boys to come see they all ran up and Ashton asked "why do you do this to yourself?" I said "because my boyfriend is horrible to me and he won't let me leave him and I want to leave him so bad but he won't let me." All the boys gave me a group hug and said everything was going to be ok. Then Calum came home not long after this whole scene took place and he's confused on what is going on he said "is everything ok here?" The boys looked at me and I didn't say anything so the boys explain since I'm too upset to talk about they told him everything that I told them and calum hugged me tightly and said "don't worry we'll fix this everything will be ok don't worry." I nodded into his chest then the rest of the day we just watched tv and then my boyfriend came by so the boys could tell him off and he was finally out of my life I was so happy to have these boys in my life to protect me and I know they'll always be here for me which I'm so grateful about.

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