Imagine Your related/you know his ex girlfriend and he doesn't know

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Luke: now you knew your sister arzela was a bitch and treated Luke badly and you didn't like that she did that to him because he was your celebrity crush and your idol too you loved him to death and you didn't want any one to hurt him ever,so when you found out that your own sister did that to him of all people you took that chance to put him back together but little did he know you were related to his ex but you wanted it to stay that way so he wouldn't break up with you because you knew once he found out who your sister was you guys were going to be done for sure because he'll think your like her when your not like her at all. But one day you guys were at the mall and you saw your sister she said "of course you got together with my ex just like you did the last time I broke up with someone or cheated on someone your such a slut go find some guys on your own you don't need to fix the ones I hurt they'll get over it." Luke looked at you and said "you know her?" You lied and said "no I don't know this bitch who is telling lies because I don't want to be anything like her and I don't date every guy she hurts so she can go back to hell where she belongs." Your sister rolled her eyes and said "oh stop lying bitch you do this every time your with someone meaning a guy I know and she's my fucking sister who loves coping me every moment she gets." Luke looked at me and said "is she really your sister?" You lied again and said "no I don't know this girl and I don't copy her at all and she needs to leave me alone." Your sister said "your my sister slut just tell him the truth for once tell the guys the truth gosh." Luke said "well is that true?!?!" You finally gave in and said "yes I'm sorry I didn't want you to know because I knew it would ruin us and I don't want that to happen I love you much more than she ever did and I'm nothing like her I love you so much and I would never hurt you like she did I don't want any of this to go away ever." He kissed your lips to shut you up and hugged you tightly your sister stormed away and Luke said "I love you too and I know your nothing like don't worry we're good just no more secrets ok and no more lying either." You nodded and then continued walking through the mall.

Ashton: you knew Ashton and Bryanna were on good terms but little did he know she was your cousin and you invited him to a family gathering not expecting her to be there but she was and she was surprised to see Ashton there and said "oh I didn't know you were going to be here." He said "I didn't either my girlfriend didn't tell me you were going to be here." They both looked at you and you said "I'm sorry I was scared to tell you that she's my cousin I didn't know how you were going to react and he's my boyfriend I'm sorry for not telling you guys." Bryanna said "it's fine I'm happy for you guys you guys are cute I support you guys." Ashton said "no more secrets got it?" You said "yeah I got it." You were happy they were fine and you guys enjoyed the rest of the night.

Michael: crystal was like a sister to you but Michael didn't know that so when she was over one day he was also there of course because it was his apartment too but crystal didn't know you guys were dating so when he walked out into the living room shirtless she was surprised and so was he, he said "what are you doing here?" She said "I was just about to ask you the same question?" He said "well I live here with my girlfriend yn." Then you walked in and said "I'm sorry crystal for not telling you." She said "it's ok I know what you were thinking you were afraid of my reaction."you said "yeah." She said "I'm happy for you guys." Michael said "thanks and yn no more secrets." You said "don't worry there won't be." You smiled happy he was good with her and he was good with him.

Calum: you were friends with niana but didn't tell her that you were dating her ex calum cause they were cool you knew you should have told her but didn't really know how to put since she was a new friend when she saw him with you she said "I told you cal you would find some one as wonderful as me I'm so happy for you guys." You said "you're not mad?" She said "of course not I'm so happy for you guys." Then you guys hungout the rest of the day calum was happy she was happy and so were you.

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