Prologue: Unbelievable

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Hello everyone! This is my first fan fiction so it may be a bit messed up especially chapter one, anyway i hope it will please you.
This story will contain many words in Japanese but I will write their meaning, if I forgot any definition just tell me what you haven't understand in the comments.

[A/n: the writing will get better in later chapters, the quality between chapters differ cause some are edited, others not, I apologize for the writing mistake in the early ones, I am trying to edit them whenever I have time.]



16 years ago!

Kakashi POV:

Eh.....where am I?

What am I doing now?

All I remember is that I was fighting the mist village's shinobi (ninja), yes i went to their hideout to rescue Rin who had been kidnapped by them.

I rescued her and we both made it away, however we were followed by Kirigakure (hidden mist) ninja.

Out of sudden, Rin asked me to kill her, saying that the shinobi of Kirigakure were using her. Of course I refused, I could never kill her.

She is my teammate and a very close friend, she is like a little sister to me, more than anything, I also promised Obito that I will look after her, keep her safe, that I will protect her at all costs.

I had to protect her.

Then suddenly a vision of me killing Rin appeared, I got through Rin's chest with a Chidori while tears were falling from my left eye, from Obito's Sharingan, I could hear Rin murmur "Ka..ka...shi.." before spitting blood, lost her balance and fell.

I stopped her fall holding her arm and getting her closer to me as if I was hugging her. In order to get my arm off her chest, I had to use my Raikiri again, just when i got it out, I lost my own balance making her fall in the opposite side, I tried to hold her but it was too late, she fell on the ground, dead, she was dead...


She was dead.

Rin was dead. By my hand.

I killed her, my friend....

"Jou.. Kakashi taijou(captain)." A voice said which took me out of my dream.

In a start I opened my eyes, face to me was Wakaba wearing an unusually frightened face, he was accompanied by some other Konoha ninja, probably here in back up.

"He woke up!" Cried Wakaba relieved, as I was trying to grasp the situation, quickly everyone gathered around me, Kaji was there too, I banded his wounds just before heading to save Rin.

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