Izuku Midoriya

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You were in 1-B, so naturally, everyone thought you hated Class A. That couldn't have been further from the truth. Ever since you witnessed a green haired boy saving a brunette at the entrance exam, you became interested in him. Often, you saw him with his friends, talking and laughing. You always wanted to properly introduce yourself, but you never got the chance.

Of course, he knew you. And he would be lying if he said he didn't feel anything for you. He wondered why you didn't talk to him though, since he sometimes caught you staring. When he did, he would give you a nervous smile, making you blush and look away.

This took him by surprise. You couldn't...like him, could you? No, it wasn't possible.

That's why he was overjoyed when you finally decided to gather your courage and walk up to him. He was with Iida and Uraraka, so you were apprehensive at first, but he smiled, and you felt your worry melt away.

His friends saw the love-struck look in your eyes, and waved him off, saying they would catch him later. He turned to you.

"H-Hi. I'm (Y/n) (L/n) from Class B." You bowed, awkwardly.

"U-Uh, you d-don't have to do that!" He said, going a bit red, and moving his hands frantically.

You straightened up, and there was silence for a while.

"I – Um...I saw what you did at the entrance exam." You stated, trying not to die.

"Oh, eh...s-sorry, you probably think I'm-" He started.

"I think you're amazing!" You blurted out.

This attracted the attention of people in the surrounding area. Feeling nervous because of all the stares, you grabbed Midoriya's wrist and quickly led him to somewhere more secluded.

"Sorry. Just, the people..." You trailed off, not really wanting to explain.

"I-It's fine! I'm like that too sometimes." He smiled.

You returned his gesture, suddenly feeling really good. Damn, that boy didn't know what he was doing to you. Either that, or he wanted you to suffer. It was silent again, as you tried to think of something to say.

"I – Uh, y-you look at me sometimes." He spoke up.

Your cheeks turned crimson, and he realised what he had said. Once again waving his arms around, he tried to correct himself.

"I-I didn't m-mean! Um...I-It's just..." Then he trailed off, starting to mumble, the way he did when he was analysing and taking notes.

It didn't annoy you though. You actually found it rather soothing. It was just one of the many things you liked about him. Despite your flushed face, you managed a laugh, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"You're really cute!" You giggled, smiling brightly.

His face went red this time, and he attempted to wrap his head around what you had just said. You thought he was cute? That was the first time a girl had said that to him. Heck, it was the first time anyone had said that to him!

"T-Thanks..." He looked towards the ground.

"...And, I – um, I think you're cute too." He finished.

You stared at him, in disbelief. He was still facing the floor, so he didn't notice the hand nearing his hair until he felt it. You stroked his fluffy green hair, looking at him lovingly.

"Will you, maybe, g-go out with me?" You asked, quietly.

"Yes!" Midoriya shouted, a little too quickly.

"I-I mean, sure."

The two of you just stayed together, laughing and getting to know each other better. It was then that you decided you would marry this boy one day.

[Word Count: 598]

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