Shouto Todoroki

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Requested by: DragonOtaku64


The grace with which you carried yourself, coupled with the majesty of your idyllic expression, generated familiar, yet infinitely gratifying heart palpitations to resonate throughout his entire being. Todoroki watched as you flitted across the golden sand, stopping occasionally to scoop some into your delicate hands, bewitching (e/c) eyes glowing with every grain that slipped through your fingers.

Dating since the last few days of UA, the bi-coloured boy and your gleeful self were beyond content simply with your status as lovers. Although, years flickered by so quickly, reminding Todoroki that he needed the perfect situation in which to gift you the ultimate symbol of his affection.

The impression he had been under prior to your confession, was that you were just too impeccable to even be seen beside him. Hearing your unadulterated words of love, his heart thundered erratically against his chest. Almost immediately, he enveloped you in a startling hug, snaking his strong arms tightly around your figure. You savoured his embrace, opening your ears to his silent, heartfelt messages.

Flustered as you were by the seemingly endless stream of compliments, he regretted never telling you more. That excitable feeling of pride welled up inside him each time you intertwined your fingers, or planted chaste pecks to his pale cheeks.

Now felt surreal, as if he shouldn't be allowed to observe such beauty, let alone slip a dazzling ring on to your finger, officially claiming you for himself. With a final, anxious gulp, he called out to you, relishing in the sublime smile painting your features.

You bounded up to him, arms spread wide until you crashed into his body, sending both of you tumbling to the ground. Giggling, you sat atop him, leaning down so that your noses touched. A blessed grin all of his own found its way on to Todoroki's face, decorating it handsomely.

"Yes, Shouto?" Angelic as usual, your voice elicited pleasant shivers throughout his body.

"Honey, am I allowed to sit up?" He questioned, a brow raised at your childish, yet adorable behaviour.

"Umm...nope! You can stay right...there!" As the last word rolled off your tongue, you booped his nose cutely, examining a faint red hue creeping up his cheeks.

Sighing, he attempted to reach into his pocket, where the object was being stored, though the task was considerably trickier with his girlfriend straddling him. However, by some miracle, he managed, grabbing a small box and veiling it by his side.

"(Y/n), the very first day we met, I sensed a connection. Although, regrettably, it wasn't until you announced your feelings that I gained the confidence to begin a relationship. For that, I apologise. I want to be someone you can cheerfully come home to every day, someone able to protect your amazing smile."

Todoroki held your eyes in an intense stare, thankful for the mass of crimson blanketing your face. He proceeded with heightened courage, choosing the words you most wanted to hear.

"(Y/n) (L/n), please grant me this honour. Will you marry me?" He held out the now opened box, showcasing your gleaming ring.

Without a second thought, you pounced, cradling his figure in your arms. Tears cascaded down your face, beautifully contrasting the incandescent glow of your cheeks. He felt the incessant nodding of your head, hearing a muffled, shaky "Y-Y-Yes!!"

At long last, his dreams of starting a life, maybe even a family with you, were coming to fruition.

[Word Count: 574]

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