Katsuki Bakugou {2}

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Later that night, Bakugou stayed up pondering over the last words you had yelled at him before running back into the classroom. Upon re-entering, he was exceptionally disappointed to find you chatting enthusiastically with some friends, who just so happened to be male.

Lying in bed, he stared at the ceiling disinterestedly, imagining the feeling of you on his back. Even though at the time, he played it off as a nuisance, the blonde distinctly remembered a warm sensation creeping through his body.

"Fucker." He mumbled, falling asleep to the image of you ingrained in his head.

School the next day was bland, owing solely to the fact that you were practically the light of the class. You were usually bubblier than Uraraka and Ashido, so your dampened ambience was instantly registered.

"Hey, (Y/n)...is everything okay?" Kaminari asked, earning a glare from both you and Bakugou.

"Please leave me alone." Your voice was peculiarly monotonous, so it sounded to those who knew you as if you were an online account that someone had just logged in to; someone who was clearly unaware of any of your personality traits.

A bit terrified, Kaminari scrambled back to his seat, just in time for Aizawa to announce the beginning of class. Unable to concentrate, Bakugou found himself glancing at you every few minutes, trying to work out what could possibly have pissed you off so much.

No matter what he tried, he couldn't shake some god awful feeling, and it was driving him insane. Incapable of keeping his eyes off you for more than about three minutes, he resigned to staring at you for the remaining thirty. Class ended, and you hastily packed your things, attempting to make a fast get-away.

However, as if acting of their own accord, Bakugou's legs moved towards you.

"Oi runt, why are you in such a pissy mood?" He demanded, towering over you.

"Bakugou, I'm not calm enough to give you an explanation." You sighed.

Angrier than before, he tried one more time to be 'civil', before picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. You squirmed, hoping that he would release you. But alas, you just didn't have the energy to do much about him, so you eventually surrendered, letting him take you.

He stomped through the corridors, searching for a secluded area. When he found one, he put you down, making sure you felt the pain of being dropped on the hard ground.

"Tell me why you rejected me earlier." He ordered.

Feeling guilty, you failed to meet his eyes. That morning, Bakugou had apparently wanted to give you another piggy-back ride. However, you turned him down due to your very sudden, dramatic change in mood. You hadn't told him the reason for your bizarre behaviour, which made him incredibly infuriated.

"I-I just wasn't in the mood..." You mumbled, staring at the ground.

"You better be 'in the mood' tomorrow, shit-head." He replied.

You laughed faintly, finding a sad sort of humour in his words. It was only sad, of course, because that was your most profound emotion at the time. You apologized, informing him that you would give it your best effort to be back to normal by then.

His eyes flashed to the side as he turned his head, concealing his red-tinted cheeks from your view.


[Word Count: 556]

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