Katsuki Bakugou/Eijiro Kirishima

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Requested by: _Jimochii


As the battle to gain your affections raged, becoming ever more violent as a result of Bakugou's explosive personality, it appeared that Kirishima was in the lead. At every opportunity, he would hold doors open for you, copy notes if you slept in class or couldn't concentrate, among a variety of other sweet things.

He would praise the saints whenever your hands brushed, whether it be an unintentional accident or sneaky calculation. Currently, he was the very bane of Bakugou's existence – constantly coming in first; something the blonde just couldn't handle.

"OI SHITTY HAIR!" He growled animalistically, slamming his hand down on the red head's table riotously.

"Man, Bakugou, calm down. Did you need something?" He grinned, serving to fuel the hormone-driven teen's fury.


Kirishima mulled over this for a few moments, deciding that actually, he didn't have the faintest recollection of what Bakugou was implying. He relayed his thoughts, earning a round of furious interrogation.

"Oh, that? She forgot her pencil, so I gave her mine." He shrugged, finally remembering the scene in vivid detail.

Silently fanboying over how soft your touch had been, and how he longed for another chance to give you something, his cheeks casually began turning as red as his hair. Bakugou, absolutely enraged but knowing that if he did anything, you likely wouldn't talk to him ever again, resisted the urge to blow Kirishima's face off. Instead, he aggressively stomped back to his own seat, dropping into the chair and sulking.

With a dejected sigh, Kirishima glanced over at his friend. It was unfortunate that they had fallen for the same person. However, he didn't believe Bakugou would listen to reason – simply that he was going to try winning your heart by any means necessary.

Though frankly, Kirishima didn't want to die.

Hesitantly, he meandered over to Bakugou's desk, where he was stared down like a criminal.

"What do you want?" Came the agitated, but exceptionally less terrifying voice of the blonde.

"Uh...Bakugou? I think that maybe – we should have a competition." He stated, maintaining eye-contact with his friend.


"Let's say – whoever kisses her first, wins. But you're not allowed to pressure (Y/n) into anything. She has to be willing. Taking a girl by force isn't manly at all." He set out the only rule of the game.

In a huff, Bakugou agreed, relieving Kirishima but also putting him on high alert. Both of them were now not only out for your heart, but your lips as well. Doubt started seeping into his mind, making him wonder if it was really the right idea to issue such a challenge.

Nevertheless, it was done, so grieving his possible loss of claiming your first kiss was not his top priority.

The classroom door opened rapidly, and you came spilling in alongside Midoriya and Uraraka. Once you saw your two favourite boys, you hollered to them excitedly.

"Bakugou! Kirishima!"

Bounding over to them with the speed of a bullet, your body crashed into Kirishima's. It painted his cheeks an inconspicuous shade of red, before he cleared his throat and greeted you with an equally cheerful tone. The two of you smiled and high-fived.

You then turned to Bakugou, examining the pissed off look on his face, and being nowhere near as intimidated by his resentful aura as everyone else in the room.

"Bakugou? I need to talk to you for a minute." There was a blithe smile plastered on to your features, and you spoke carefully.

Glaring a final time at Kirishima, the blonde nodded and followed you wordlessly out of the room. When you were a good distance away from prying ears, you stopped, choosing to fiddle with the hem of your skirt. Seen as though you were uncharacteristically silent, he took it upon himself to start the conversation.

"Oi, you said you needed to ta-"


His words were interrupted by your voice, loud and almost...pleading? It had occurred to you that he might have feelings for you, given his change in demeanour whenever you appeared, but you wanted to know once and for all if he felt the same way as you.

Bakugou halted, staring at you with wide-eyes. You blushed, turning your head to the side. Maybe you had been a bit presumptuous. He hadn't liked you after al-

"It's about damn time you asked."

His response filled your cheeks with more warmth. You noticed him walk up to you, grabbing your chin with his fingers.

"I can kiss you, right?" He questioned, startlingly.

In a daze, you nodded, feeling him lean in and connect your lips. The kiss was everything you could have ever asked for; it was so perfect.

Watching from afar, Kirishima saw how content you were, and shed a manly tear. Although it was true he loved you dearly, he refused to get in the way of your happiness. So, wishing the best for you and Bakugou, the dreams of a future with you fractured, and he walked away sighing.

[Word Count: 855]

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