Shouto Todoroki {Kingdom AU}

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Requested by: Levis-Whattpad


"Allow me to introduce you to Prince Shouto Todoroki!"

The young woman beside you gasped lightly, tugging at her elegant dress in a nervous fashion. She had always been such a timid creature, and never once talked of marriage in all the time that you were her knight. Now, in the presence of this charming gentleman, who could have only been a year or two her elder, she quivered – not in fear, but in anxiousness. This was something completely foreign to her delicate sensibilities, and her father, the king of the land, and by far the most compassionate king in the entire world, did not want to force her into an uncomfortable situation. However, the rival kingdom had become infuriated with how well-governed and relaxed things appeared to be, so their king had sent his youngest son to claim the princess as a tribute, in order to retain the peaceful atmosphere around the land, and ensure that war would not break out.

Neither child seemed particularly pleased with things as they were, but they did not have the authority to question higher orders. The princess' father, however, did, and he established a council primarily to deal with relations between the two lands. Despite this, there was a growing tension within the palace, as people looked around, trying to avoid the prying eyes and ears of the rival king. He stood adjacent to his son, although it was evident that there was discord.

You positioned yourself to fight for the princess if need be, and you momentarily locked eyes with the young prince, before turning your attention to the argument now taking place. All Might and Endeavor were having a verbal duel, but everyone in the vicinity held their breaths, knowing that a physical fight was imminent, since these two used their fists more often than their mouths.

Princess Izuku gazed, horrified, at the spectacle before her eyes. You noted her rigid stature, and glimpsed once again at the foreign prince. Silently, you formed a plan to sneak out of the palace. Fortunately, the fighting became so bad that there was no need to be careful about your footfalls being heard.

You fled, yourself and the prince flanking Izuku, and leading her to a place where you knew she would be safe.

When the three of you ceased running, the princess was quite obviously out of breath, from being unaccustomed to so much exercise at once. She regained the majority of her composure, turning to Prince Shouto apologetically, bowing many times and causing a confused expression to encompass his mismatched features. Taking in his appearance properly, you remarked that he was very handsome, with two different eye/hair colours, and a burn mark residing around his left orb. However he acquired it must have been painful, but you had no intention of asking. His grey and aquamarine eyes flickered up to meet your own (e/c) orbs, and behind the monotone façade, you swore there was a subtle amusement. Veiling a blush, you swiftly turned back to your princess.

"Are you injured?" You enquired, surveying her person critically.

Shaking her head, she responded, "No. Thank you though."

You nodded, reminding her that it was your duty as her personal guard, to serve and protect her no matter the cost, even at detriment to your own life. She panicked, waving around her hands and trying to dissuade you from that line of thought – she reasoned that you couldn't very well protect her if you died. You countered, however, by saying that if you failed to the point of being killed, then you were unworthy of being her knight, and couldn't continue to protect her. All this, Prince Shouto watched with the utmost entertainment, wondering if he could just have you and be done with this whole fiasco.

Izuku clapped her hands together. "Well...I-I might as well say this now..." She trailed off, but you prompted her to resume, so she did, albeit reluctantly: "I-I love someone else. He's a bit...a bit uncivilised, but I've known him for a good many years, and we played together as children, so..."

She looked at Prince Shouto. "F-Forgive me! I just...knowing there's someone else I love, I'm afraid I can't marry you."

You expected a bout of anger, although, you figured, he neither looked nor acted anything like his father, so miracles can happen.

"It's alright." He paused, casting a brief glance at your figure. "I love someone else as well."

[Word Count: 745]

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