Shouto Todoroki

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Requested by: gigleses


Sat on the shared dormitory couch, you glared wordlessly at the intruders. Surrounding you, your classmates sniggered, and laughed boisterously. Your arms were wrapped securely around Shouto's side. In return, he held you at a protective closeness, his cold gaze warding off potential flirts.

He smiled to himself as he felt you nuzzle into his chest; he veiled a triumphant expression, only flashing a brief smirk towards the other boys in the room.

They sulked, electing to amble as far from the couch as possible, so as not to become encased in ice, or charred by fire. You looked at them with a similar face, gripping Shouto's waist tightly.

Closing your eyes, you allowed his light breathing to fill your ears; you heard his heartbeat, like a glorious symphony.

There were still some girls in the space, and you wanted rid of them. As if reading your mind, Shouto turned slightly, brushing his face against yours as he lowered you. Soon, you felt your back hit the couch, and saw Shouto above you.

Leisurely, he leaned down, melding his breath with yours, before connecting your lips. It began soft, with mere hints of passion, but very shortly became much more heated.

He held himself up as he pressed a leg between yours, taking the opportunity he found to slip his tongue into your mouth. Squeaking, you grabbed at his sides, trying desperately to adjust to the sudden change.

Your tongues moved together when you adapted. Dancing, matching each other perfectly. A moan escaped your lips as you became short of breath. He moved his leg, rubbing your clothed area incessantly. Another round of mewls left you, swarming in Shouto's ears.

He disconnected, a string of saliva keeping your mouths bound. He glanced down at your dishevelled, panting form, then up at whoever was left in the room. Only a few remained – Uraraka, Ashido, Tsuyu...

They squealed like hyperactive fangirls, rushing out when Shouto's lips found yours again.

You hadn't been prepared – your mouth was hanging open, attempting to get a few mouthfuls of air, until Shouto invaded once more, dominating you entirely. He kept you pinned to the couch with his strong arms, looming over you almost menacingly.

Giving in, you let him violate your mouth. He ran his tongue along yours, re-exploring his territory.

"Well, we have the room to ourselves..."

[Word Count: 392]

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