Momo Yaoyorozu/Shouto Todoroki

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Requested by: Miomobe


Momo had always been someone you admired; she was a very important individual, given her family's status, and your pasts were heavily intertwined. Your residence was close to hers, and while your family had a lot of money, hers had much more. This was never an obstacle in your relationship, because you were incredibly friendly with each other, despite your disposition. She seemed to bring out the best qualities in you, brushing aside your stoic personality, and seeing further than everyone else. It was clear what people thought: you were quiet and antisocial, not really caring for anyone other than Momo. You were absolutely best friends, but after some time, your feelings began to blossom. It was incredible. You lived for the fluttering in your chest, and the increase in your heart rate. You couldn't have chosen a better person to fall for. Spending time with her was idyllic, like you were living a dream. She was gorgeous, clever, kind and generous.

You attended the same private school, got placed in the same class, hung around together at breaks, and even walked with each other at the day's end. You figured it would be the same routine until one of you passed, because of just how inseparable you were. However, in hindsight, your next move probably wasn't the best idea.

"Momo, I like you. Please go out with me." Your head was lowered in a polite bow, and although your tone was monotonous, she heard the tremors behind it.

She felt awful. "I apologise, (Y/n), but I don't feel the same way."

"It's alright." You managed a small smile. "Thank you for not hating me."

The two of you remained friends, and never drifted too far apart, even when the new school year rolled around, and you entered into UA. You both made a bunch of friends, but always stayed close together. After your confession was rejected, you lost all romantic inclinations towards her. She never questioned you about them, which was okay, as you would have simply brushed her off. She watched you flourish into a beautiful, strong hero-in-training, feeling a pang in her heart. Her gut twisted unnaturally, and she wondered why she had only ever thought of you as a friend. Now, no matter how deeply she fell, you wouldn't be very likely to return her affections. She had completely messed up.

On your end, there was some confusion, alongside irritation. There was a boy in your class, with two-toned hair and striking eyes, who you thought was quite handsome. You didn't feel anything for him, but his father had apparently heard of you, because he started pestering your family, trying to organise a quirk marriage. It was deplorable, and your classmate seemed to hate the very images it conjured up. You didn't pry into his personal life, but something in his eyes told you that he wasn't exactly happy with the situation. He must have had a deep hatred for his father. They both turned up at your home one day, and he just glared at the older man. There was a profound tension between them, which made your family quite uncomfortable. That, coupled with the apparent urgency and desperation that Todoroki Enji was displaying, lead them to refuse the arrangement. He was shocked and disappointed, but left without incident. Afterwards, Shouto seemed to feel the need to apologise for his father's behaviour, and due to your similar personalities, you got along very well. You still didn't feel anything for him, though.

He started building an infatuation for you, however, and soon, it became an obsession. He began watching you in class, glancing between the whiteboard and your desk, trying to see what you were doing. He followed you to the dining hall, sitting down beside you every day. Momo was on your other side, and she was getting a little worried. You never really talked to the bi-coloured boy while you were eating, but he always stuck close to you, sometimes making a point to glare at Momo. Her neutral expression wavered, and she frowned, glaring back.

Although you didn't see him as a potential partner, you noticed the way that your two friends looked at one another, but misinterpreted it. You figured they wanted to start dating, because they maintained eye contact for long periods of time, and you often saw them conversing, on the other side of the classroom. You never asked what they had been talking about, though. You wanted to help them get together, so you talked to Asui about it.

"They'd look good together." You nodded.

She chuckled. "I don't think they like each other, kero."

"Hm? They're always looking into each other's eyes." You countered.

Shaking her head, she stated, "It's not romantic, more like they want to kill each other. Todoroki-chan and Momo-chan look at you differently, though."

You weren't certain what she was implying, and you left utterly confused. That night, you practised with your quirk, in an effort to relieve your mind. Your ability was to summon glyphs, from which monsters made of ice and water protruded. They could sometimes have both properties, and it was an insanely powerful quirk. Perhaps that was why Shouto's father seemed so desperate for an arranged marriage. Your quirk would compliment his son's quite nicely. It was something you had talked about before, as you bad-mouthed his father. You could always feel a laugh forming, but you never let it leave.

The next morning, you awoke to the blinding sunlight. The journey to school was normal, and so was the actual day. Except, there was one significant difference. Shouto and Momo had apparently stopped glaring at one another, and they were being oddly quiet. The looks they shared were secretive and cunning, but you tried not to think about it. By the afternoon, they were practically bashing you about, due to their proximity. They stood, and sat, so close to you, that it was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. You mentioned it, however fleetingly, but they just shrugged and smiled. That was strange - Shouto didn't usually smile. It wouldn't have been unwelcome, if only the situation was different.

Suddenly, Momo slipped an arm around your shoulder. You jolted, wholly unprepared for that action. She leaned forwards, burying her face in the crook of your neck. Then, Shouto pressed his forehead against yours, fluttering his mismatched eyes shut. With the two so close, you could feel your skin prickling. There was an anxiety welling in your system. They were both near and dear to your heart, but this was something else entirely. You didn't recognise their feelings for you, and, to be honest, you didn't want them. Momo had rejected you once before, and you hadn't given any consideration to Shouto's emotions. He caressed the sides of your face, opening his eyes and watching you with interest. Your neck was tingling, and you strained to look at Momo. Her expression showed concentration and slight humour. She was nipping at your neck, holding the skin between her teeth, and then gradually starting to suck, leaving purple bruises in her wake.

Your left eye twitched, and you bit your lip to cease any unsavoury sounds. Shouto leaned in, pressing light kisses to your face. He lulled your eyes shut, and guided his calloused hands into your hair. He tugged gently, attempting to elicit some sort of noise. You groaned, squirming in their grip. Momo was gliding her tongue across your collarbone, helpfully removing your tie, and undoing your top buttons. You panicked, trying to worm your way out of this unpredictable position. However, you only succeeded in falling backwards, on to the hard ground. You rubbed your head, cracking one eye open and gazing at your attackers. They were both grinning, and Momo had a single hand on her cheek, ebony orbs filled with a twisted love. She stood beside Shouto, who was currently reaching into his pocket. He rummaged around for a few moments, before he found what he had been searching for: a pair of handcuffs. The colour drained from your face. Momo's skin glittered, and suddenly, she was holding a few, very suggestive objects.

You gulped.

This was definitely a dangerous situation. 

[Word Count: 1371]

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