Shouto Todoroki x Izuku Midoriya - Lemon

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"I want to try for a child."

"Shouto, you know that's impossible!"

The bi-coloured male shook his head. "It's a recent development, but science has proven that it is possible."

Izuku remained unconvinced. His expression failed to betray the anxiety and confusion that his heart was experiencing. Even if his companion, the love of his life and the man he trusted most in the world, said that it was possible, there was doubt at the forefront of his own mind. Besides, he wasn't even sure if they were ready for a child – those things required special treatment, including toys and copious amounts of attention. With their current positions as top-ranked pro heroes, they were wholly unprepared for family life; what if their child was somehow kidnapped by the villains, to use as blackmail?

What if some terrible harm befell them, and the child was left without parents? Would it end up lost and isolated, growing up to despise all things related to heroes and quirks, just like Kota?

If so, who would save their child?

Shouto noticed his partner's unease, and promptly grabbed his hands, squeezing them in a reassuring manner. His mismatched eyes showed nothing but pure love for Izuku. The green-haired male realised that his brash declaration wasn't sudden after all – he had been planning this, presumably for a while. It had seemed to come out of the blue, but really, Shouto had just been scared to tell him. Izuku's heart thumped painfully in his chest, so loudly that he was almost certain Shouto could hear. At the same time, the fluttering sensation of millions of tiny butterflies resonated throughout his stomach. With these things combined, it was becoming extremely difficult for him to resist Shouto.

Izuku gazed sadly at his lover. "...Why now?"

"What do you mean?" Shouto asked, cocking his head to the side.

Izuku sighed. "Don't try that cute act. I mean – we could try any time, but we're at a busy stage in our lives right now. I don't know if it's really a good idea."

The two-toned male listened silently to his partner's monologue, patiently waiting to respond. However, when the noise stopped, he was left perplexed and unsure. How could he reply to that? Izuku had a good point, but Shouto was confident in his ability to take care of both his boyfriend and his child. Of course, they would have to take it in turns – he didn't want to force Izuku to give up on his dream. Although, they weren't that busy now, seen as though the biggest villain they had ever faced had long since been defeated, so he really didn't know why there would be much of a problem. Perhaps Izuku just didn't feel ready to be a father? In that case, he would have to reassure him.

"You'll be a great father." He informed, voice as monotonous as ever, and Izuku couldn't help but laugh; his partner really was the most adorable.

Izuku cupped his cheeks gently. "That's not what bothers me."

"Then what is?" Shouto questioned, placing his hands over Izuku's, caressing them delicately.

"I just..." Izuku looked down. "Since All Might..." He shook his head, muttering under his breath, before continuing: "I'm supposed to be the new Symbol of Peace, a-and...I don't feel like I could properly raise a child with that responsibility."

Shouto nodded understandingly. "Japan's villain problem has calmed down lately...I think now's the best time."

Izuku allowed a content laugh to pass through his lips, which sounded absolutely heavenly to Shouto's biased ears. He felt his cheeks heating up, and tried to fight the crimson blush threatening to overtake his entire face. Pouting slightly, he removed his hands from atop Izuku's, instead opting to snake his arms around the green-haired male's waist. He earned a flustered squeak. A smile played at Shouto's lips, as he snuggled further into Izuku's warmth.

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