Denki Kaminari

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Requested by: eviearlert


The longing in his eyes made his feelings as transparent as glass. It made his heart ache every time he saw you with the bi-haired male. You always seemed to be so...jubilant around him. Kaminari didn't want to admit that he was jealous, especially since he had no claim to you.

However, watching you laugh and joke with the icyhot boy gave him both a sense of distress and rejection. Sure, it was good that Todoroki was opening up, but couldn't he talk to someone else?

To all his classmates, it was very clear you only had a platonic relationship, and no plans to take it any further. Todoroki was ranked number five academically, and was one of the strongest in the class. You looked up to him.

After all, he was an amazing person, that managed to get into UA through recommendations, while you only made it to The Department of General Studies.

Kaminari let out an uncharacteristic sigh, attracting the rest of the Bakusquad's attention.

"Man, are you okay? You've been really out of it lately." Kirishima placed a worried hand on the blonde's shoulder, in an effort to alleviate some of his stress.

"Ooh! Let me guess, girl problems?" Ashido cut in, before Kaminari had a chance to speak.

A guilty look etched on to his features, and he hung his head low. He gestured over to where you were speaking with Todoroki, bubbly giggles filling the room.

"(L/n) again? Maybe it's time to get over her." Sero commented, earning a harsh smack from Ashido.

"No! No! This is perfect!" She squealed.

The boys stared at her in confusion, briefly sharing awkward glances. She was fist-pumping the air, muttering the way Midoriya usually did. She was a pink bundle of smiles, as she concocted her marvellous plan.

"Guys, it's fine. She likes Todoroki." The dejected blonde shrugged, trying to play it off.

There was a joint glare in Kaminari's direction, causing him to start, wide-eyed. He hit something soft, jolting back when he felt the impact. Swivelling around quickly, he nearly butted heads with you. Startled, you moved back, laughing at his flustered expression.

You sent the Bakusquad a knowing look, and Ashido began dragging every member out of the classroom. Kaminari rubbed the back of his neck stiffly, avoiding eye-contact.

"Sorry, would you mind if I called you Denki?" You asked sweetly.

He was sure you could hear his heartbeat. His face was a nice shade of red, and he fumbled around for words, wanting to sound cool, but not wishing to look like an idiot in front of you.

"Yeah! I-I mean, sure."

"Then you can call me (Y/n), okay?"

He smiled goofily, uttering your name a few times, testing how it sounded.


"So...I've caught you looking at me sometimes." You stated, a slight red hue present on your own cheeks.

He had to do a double-take. You were blushing in front of him. For a few moments, there was an uncomfortable silence, as Kaminari tried to make sense of what had just transpired. His crush was standing in front of him, being adorable, and all he felt like doing was engulfing you in a tight hug, peppering kisses on your face.

"I-If you want to. I don't mind." You diverted your focus.

He inwardly panicked. He had forgotten all about your quirk. Mind reading. It was the reason you didn't get on to the hero course, but were still thought a great asset to UA.

Kaminari's whole demeanour changed in an instant. Mustering all his courage, he leaned in for a quick peck. He retracted shortly thereafter, (leading you to believe he wasn't as confident as he liked to make out) leaving you far from satisfied. Gripping his collar, you brought him down for an electrifying kiss, forcing him to man up and dominate you.

His hands found your cheeks, and he kissed back with more passion than you could have ever hoped for. Pulling away with a string of saliva, faces flushed, the two of you silently engaged in a staring contest.

He lost, opting to give you the biggest closed-eyed smile you had seen from him.

All his jealously washed away, being replaced with pure gratification.

[Word Count: 707]

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