Izuku Midoriya

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"Izuku, have you had your first kiss?" You asked your childhood friend.

His face immediately flushed, and he tried to hide his embarrassment.

 "N-No. I haven't."

The two of you had grown up together, and he was never usually nervous around you. However, a few weeks ago, he started taking more interest in the floor when you were talking, desperately avoiding eye contact. It was cute, but you wanted your childhood friend back.

"Me neither." You confessed.

He stopped fidgeting, and actually looked you in the eye. It was the first time in a while, and it suddenly made you feel rather self-conscious. Izuku's mouth was open slightly, and although his blush was still present, the expression of pure bewilderment overtook his features.

"How – why – what...?" He sputtered, putting a hand to his forehead.

"I don't understand. You're beautiful, I thought for sure you'd been kissed before – maybe even had a boyfriend. But, wait, that would ruin my chances. Argh! What should I do? What if there's someone you haven't told me about? Oh no, am I in the way? I'm sure I've loved you for longer..." He trailed off.

You always found it endearing whenever he mumbled – you could listen to him ramble on, or fanboy for hours. But, this particular time made your heart flutter, cheeks warm up, and common sense leave.

He...loves me?

Izuku was still mumbling, and you occasionally made out words like "love" and "fight".

"But what if I'm not good enough? Maybe I need more training – yeah, definitely more training. Um...what about looks? Should I change something? My hair? My-"

You sighed, annoyed that he would ever think of changing himself for anyone, but flattered at the same time. So, without thinking, you leaned over his desk, cutting off his words with a gentle kiss. Your lips moved against his, and it took some time for him to process what was happening.

The first thing you noticed was how soft his lips were. They fit perfectly with yours. After his initial shock, he tried as best he could to kiss back. It was rather sloppy, considering it was your first time, and not the most romantic setting. But to you, it was enough just being with Izuku.

You pulled away, savouring the flustered look on his face. His eyes once again wandered around the classroom, never meeting yours.

"U-Um..." He mumbled.

"I love you too, Izuku." You smiled reassuringly, while reinforcing the meaning behind the kiss.

His face turned a deeper scarlet, if possible, and you had to cover your ears for his high-pitched squeak.

"Y-You heard that?!"

[Word Count: 439]

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