Shouto Todoroki

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Requested by: Kitty-chan03


As soon as you got warped with Todoroki, you knew he would instantly use his quirk to freeze the entire area. Not wishing to get encased in an ice prison, you accelerated time to a few seconds after the Landslide zone became a winter paradise. Thankfully, you had prepared for these situations with your costume design, so your boots had grips on the bottom. When you fell out of the warp gate, you landed perfectly straight, startling a few of the villains.

"He warped you as well?" Todoroki questioned, with his back to you.

"Apparently." You replied, trudging over to where the boy stood.

He was in front of a villain, his hand ready to form an ice mould of the man's head. He mentioned something about aspiring to be a hero, so not really wanting to kill or cause major injury. You surveyed the area, scoffing at every word echoing off the ice.

Todoroki was hushed, but the sound travelled across the frozen land like an avalanche. You momentarily thought of accelerating time to a point at which all students and teachers are back at campus, but dismissed it upon recalling the many promises you had to make in order to maintain status as safe to be around.

You had a Time Manipulation quirk, enabling you to rewind, slow down, accelerate and freeze time.

In actuality, your quirk was overpowered, so you were only allowed to use upwards of five percent, possibly stretched to seven or eight if the situation called for it. Not only that, but the physical toil on you would be near to unbearable if you used any more. Besides, you had no control over what happened in-between, meaning that you could fast forward time, but if everyone was planned to die, you wouldn't have changed anything.

The only thing that was certain in those situations was your security.

...At least until the backlash set in.

"(L/n)." Todoroki's low voice snapped you out of your brief transfixion.

You turned to face him, getting a wonderful view of his features and monotone expression before he resumed talking.

"I'm done here. We should go."

Nodding, the two of you ran along the ice, and you made sure to keep your distance. In fairness, Todoroki did interest you, but you weren't known to be an inquisitive person. Others saw you as aloof and detached – someone not to mess with. You rarely spoke out in class, and made a conscious effort to stay in the background.

Your thoughts caught up with you and you started to fall. When you were about to use your quirk, you felt arms being snaked around your legs, and before you knew what was happening, Todoroki was running while carrying you bridal-style.

You sighed. "Todoroki."


With a shake of your head, you retorted. "I'd appreciate you putting me down."

Glancing up at his handsome face, you swore there was a diminutive smile resting where his usual stony façade had advocated. Another unimpressed sigh left your mouth.

"I really don't like you." It took a lot of lying and a bit of false hope to say.

Okay, this time he was smiling.

"I know."

[Word Count: 530]

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