Tamaki Amajiki

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"Hey! Hey (Y/n)!" A cheerful voice called.

You hummed, turning around. There, you saw your over-energetic friend, Nejire, and two boys you didn't recognise. Your eyes flicked between them, noting the confidence in one, and the bashfulness in the other. Trying not to come off as unfriendly or uptight, you quickly gave a bright smile.

The more timid of the two swivelled around, planting his head into the nearest wall. You gasped, reaching out a hand. Placing it gently on his shoulder, you felt him tense. Sensing you did something wrong, you withdrew it, looking at Nejire in confusion.

She giggled. "That's Tamaki! He always does that!"

Your face lit up, and you couldn't stop the gleam in your eyes.

"Oh, I remember now! Suneater, right? Wow, that's really cool!" Your tone was laced with genuine admiration.

He slowly craned his neck, but wouldn't meet your eyes.

"R-Really?" He questioned.

You nodded, giving him your full attention. The hue on his cheeks was more noticeable now, as he took in your pretty smile, wondering how you could ever think he was cool. He kept repeating it in his head, a small grin beginning to form on his face. You blushed at how cute that was, but decided not to comment.

"Hey, Amajiki-kun, could you face this way please?"

He gulped, looking to Mirio for support. All he got was a thumbs up, and a mouthed "Go for it!". His gaze lowered to the floor, considering your request, before turning all the way around reluctantly. You held out your hand, looking up at him with the sweetest smile he had ever seen.

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n), but you can call me (Y/n). It's nice to finally meet you."

His ears twitched as he stared at your hand. It seemed so...inviting. He wondered if he really should just take Mirio's advice. After hearing about you constantly, he had wanted to meet you...

And it seemed like you were more than happy to see him...

Shaking his head, attempting to put aside his lack in confidence, he gingerly took your hand. He felt warm, and the friction of your touch went straight to his heart.

"T-Tamaki Amajiki." He said, voice shaking.

When he heard your giggle, he wished there was somewhere he could hide. He thought you were making fun of him. You immediately saw this, and gave him clarity.

"I've heard a lot! I really wanted to meet you!"

His heart fluttered, and his shyness returned. He tried to slip his hand out of yours, but you held it tight. Bringing it to his eye-level, palm facing yours, you measured the length of his hand. He looked at you in awe – wondering how you could be so adorable.

"A perfect fit." You whispered.

He nearly passed out.

[Word Count: 465]

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