Shouto Todoroki

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Requested by: Levis-Whattpad


He laid awake, listening to your gentle breaths, watching the rise and fall of your chest, and humming to himself in content. Recently, the two of you had overcome a lot of harsh barriers, and finally managed to start a new phase in your lives. He vowed to be your eternal pillar – the person who would refuse to let you fall, and would love you unconditionally. That was the least you deserved for constantly staying by his side, throughout his ups and downs, and never giving up on him. He honestly wanted to give you the world, and it was kind of depressing that he couldn't, but at the same time, he knew you were just as ecstatic as him about being newlyweds, and that thought helped to ease his mind.

You stirred, brushing against him softly. He noticed your delicate hands gripping the bed-sheets, and quietly moved to interlace your fingers with his. Although you were sound asleep, your body immediately reacted to his familiar warmth, and you scooted closer to his bare chest. A small smile was present on your face.

Todoroki's cheeks were lightly flushed, a genuine smile of his own working its way on to his features. He still couldn't believe that you had accepted his confession and proposal. It was truly a dream come true; he would often fantasise about spending every waking hour with you, then drifting off into a deep slumber while cradling you in his arms.

His feelings were wholesome and beautiful, beginning in the first year of UA, when the two of you officially encountered each other, and lasting until the present day.

In the second year, when he eventually gathered up all his courage, he took you to a secluded area somewhere on the campus, and his pent-up emotions came cascading out of his mouth like a free-flowing waterfall. By the time he had finished, his face felt as if it was on fire, and he refused to look directly into your eyes. To his surprise, however, he heard your happy giggling, then the distinct sound of your footfalls – you were advancing, but he was rooted to the spot.

Almost tentatively, you wrapped your arms around him.

Back then, he didn't think his life could get any better.

When he had proposed, it was a gorgeous evening, and the moon hovered low in the sky, basking him in its pale light. He looked so astonishing, propped up on one knee, holding out a red velvet box. His words had been so meaningful, so heartfelt, that you had begun to cry. He panicked, thinking that maybe you didn't like the setting, or even the idea of marriage, but he was relieved when you nodded enthusiastically, telling him how happy you were, and assuring him that the tears were because you adored him so very much, but you never imagined your relationship would progress to that stage.

He remembered every word you spoke to him that night, about future plans and, most importantly, the wedding. You began planning almost instantly, calling all your girlfriends to give them the fantastic news. You looked so blissful, and it warmed him to the core, much more than his quirk ever could. He scooped you up into his arms and wouldn't let you go all night.

He decided to remind you of this once you awoke, but for now, he wanted nothing more than to drift back to sleep, you nuzzled into his chest.

[Word Count: 581]

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