Katsuki Bakugou

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Requested by: babizizi


The favoured opinion was, invariably, that you were simply a nuisance – just some intrusive chick venturing to swipe the number one position from under his nose. This was a tremendous bother, despite him claiming your inferiority. His emotions were swayed by his draconian outlook – surpassing All Might was the priority, and he would never allow anybody to beat him. If they so much as attempted, extreme hostility was directed towards them.

Case and point, his views on Deku.

Rather than being deterred by his background and infinitely agitated personality, you perceived it as a challenge. Several months of UA had landed you with feelings for the highly explosive blonde, although no matter what you tried, he constantly brushed off your advances as troublesome and a waste of his time.

A distraction was surely all you hoped to cause, breaking down his heavily fortified walls and then rubbing your achievements in his face.

However simple-minded and childish his perspective, you elected to test your depleting courage by detaining him in the canteen, confessing all your harboured feelings of adoration and respect. There was buoyancy to your stride as the place came into view, and you readied your thundering heart.

Sighting him moving begrudgingly across the room, you straightened your back, proceeding to amble up to him. Kaminari and Kirishima were beside him, chatting with each other while jovial smiles plastered their features. Momentarily, an image of Bakugou's serene smile crept into your mind, but unfortunately, it was only speculation. You weren't sure if anyone in class had seen him happy.

Clearing your throat, you waved to the boys as they spotted you. As per, Bakugou snorted, beginning to look for a suitable table. Positioning your body in front of him earned you a malicious glare. Apparently, he had noticed something you failed to observe – heads had turned at the holdup. People didn't understand why the two of you were in the centre of the room.

Today's the day.

Trying to reassure yourself was no easy feat, considering Bakugou was glaring daggers at you, and now, feeling holes being burned into your back, you finally comprehended the absurdity of your situation. Willing your voice not to quiver, you made eye-contact with the boy.

"Bakugou, I've liked you since our first day at UA. I really want to be beside you when you rise to the top, and I promise I'm not after your spot." With your rant concluded, you lowered your head in a bow.

"Please go out with me!"

Transfixed, the blonde stood rooted in his now uncomfortable standing position, pondering over your words with as much enthusiasm as Aizawa teaching. Internally, he applauded you for being stupid enough to embarrass yourself in such a populated area, although the fact that you dragged him into this didn't sit well in his mind.

Were you trying to pressure him into accepting, by choosing this particular space?

His demeanour changed as that thought swirled around his head. A growl erupted from his throat, causing not only you, but also a few other students in the surrounding area, to flinch.


The atmosphere became unsettling, with most people shooting you looks of sympathy, simultaneously glaring at Bakugou for being such an asshole. You adorned a façade of indifference, brushing off the words of disgust and empathy long enough to stumble out of the canteen. Flitting down corridors hurriedly, tears dampened your face, further lending to your unveiled, despondent expression.

From that moment, you resolved to forget your honest, heartfelt emotions for the bastard, and live as happy a life you could without him. Clenching your fist, you permitted your tired legs to fold, staring up at the ceiling to restrict the flow of tears.


As anticipated, the third year of UA was dreadfully taxing. The relationships you built up since the very beginning flourished beautifully, lending to some vows that, should anyone get married, the entire class was to be invited, and naturally, every girl who wasn't the bride would be a bridesmaid.

Multiple jokes were concocted about who would be the first wed; however, the main assumption was that it wouldn't be Bakugou. During the moments when conversations revolved around him, you found strength from your rejection and the conclusion brought about from it, to simply laugh and chat with your peers about the topic.

Hilarity often ensued, instigating the explosive boy to furiously threaten each individual, only resulting in more laughter, since he appeared to be the comic relief.

Glancing at his irritated figure, you released a quiet giggle. Manoeuvring over to the door, you bid your classmates goodbye for the day, striding out with a pronounced exhilaration. Rounding a corner, you soon heard footsteps. Ignoring the sinking feeling in your gut, you carried on until reaching the outside of UA.

There, a forceful hand yanked your arm, pulling you towards a toned chest. You thrashed about, to no avail. Once you managed to glimpse your captor, you finally comprehended that discarded feeling.

In all his glory, the egocentric Katsuki Bakugou stood before you, an expression of regret visible on his frequently vexed features.

His voice severed your heartstrings brutally, cracking as if he were genuinely remorseful. It enveloped your ears, refusing to relinquish. A clear liquid pricked at your eyes. No, this wasn't supposed to happen. He wasn't meant to reintroduce himself into your life.

You were over him.

Weren't you?

His mouth was moving, but you couldn't process the words. A sensation of light-headedness overwhelmed you quite suddenly, fading out the background until an immeasurable, starless mass was all that remained, trapping you in an illusory void, your mind struggling to discern reality from fiction.

[Word Count: 968]

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