INFINITY WAR [SPOILERS] + Bonus: A Depressing One Shot

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Really though, how cool were the Black Order?? Not sure if they have the same powers as in the comics, but I kept yelling "Get the scythe!!" I didn't expect Ebony Maw to die though, tbh...

This film literally tore my heart out.


And Red Skull?! I was kinda hoping for the Soul Stone to be revealed sometime after the film, so Thanos couldn't assemble the gauntlet, but...

I do have a feeling some characters will come back though, because they have films in Phase 4. SO MANY PEOPLE DIED!!


My best friend really won't be happy, since Dr Strange is her favourite...("It was the only way")

Did someone say BETA RAY BILL?!


I feel so betrayed...


Bonus - Loki x Reader:

It had been two years since Thor gave you the news.

Despite expecting copious amounts of anger, the only response had been a concoction of heavy sighs and free-flowing tears. Nothing could have possibly prepared your naturally worrisome person for it. Dead. It was a most heroic death; you were eternally proud, in your scarce moments of clarity. He had been killed by a damned Dark Elf, simultaneously saving both his brother and that Midgardian woman.

You had not seen daylight for two years.

Mourning alone, or occasionally with Thor, you opted to abandon the sun. It reminded you too much of him – of those rare, genuine, precious smiles he displayed only to the ones closest to him. His ebony hair, that he allowed to grow out, cascading beautifully down just past his shoulders, was reflected in the darkness. It was torture; you couldn't escape him. His influence was dreadfully prominent throughout your world. He had moulded so much of it with you, as you drew plans of home and perhaps even children.

You weren't strong enough to deal with the loss.

A god-shaped hole had been carved into your chest with a pickaxe. Your heart: torn out like a machine. After numerous failed attempts to console you, Thor had stopped, acknowledging that, in actuality, he knew very little of your love. In recent times, whenever he visited, a warm drink was placed by your bedside, as he retrieved the cold one, left untouched for days. He tried to make time every day, but it often wasn't possible.

You had stopped crying after a year.

Recalling his gorgeous features, and the way he used to hold you, could no longer put a smile on your face. Sometimes, when you touched your skin, it was as if his comforting warmth was still surrounding you. And, when you closed your eyes, images of his mischievous green orbs would float by. Yet, this couldn't elicit even a vague reaction.

That was why it pained you so very much now.

Aboard a vessel bound for destruction, you couldn't have ever guessed how much it would cost. At first, it was inconceivable; they were Asgardian. They were fleeing a burning planet.

In a few moments, all of these people would be dead.

Your eyes missed each other by centimetres. Then the slaughtering began. The sadistic companions you had made massacred the people of the fallen kingdom. One by one, their lifeless bodies fell, hitting the ground with harsh cracking sounds.

You wondered how many were actually dead, or how many were just pretending.

Then you heard screaming, and the shouts of someone you knew all too well.


Unamused laughter followed, beginning a short monologue, regarding the cosmic cube. Holding your breath, you dared to look. He was standing, very much alive, producing a hologram for the Mad Titan. You listened to the melodious, but strained voice of your love. There was a brief, failed assault, resulting in the perpetrator being sent elsewhere.

You watched the purple madman impale Asgard's gatekeeper.

You observed the dagger materialise in Loki's hand.

Tears spilled from your eyes as you ran frantically, vision obscured, in an effort to position yourself between them. You perceived the concerned expression applying itself on to his features. He shouted, attempting to keep you on the side-lines.

He wasn't prepared for the heartache.

A horrible, unwelcome crimson liquid poured from a newly-formed, gaping hole in your chest. Instantly dropping his weapon, he realised that it had been the enemy who ended you. His own tears welled in those radiant green orbs, as he fumbled with your cheeks, trying to stroke them reassuringly. Gracing him with a feature you had supressed for two years, you also caressed his cheeks, with a forlorn tenderness. Hearing him mutter words of disbelief and regret, you shook your head.

Bringing your foreheads together, you whispered, "I love you."

As soon as the sentiment escaped your lips, your heart rate slowed and your hands dropped. Unable to respond, the young god watched in abject horror as you slumped to the floor, the last embers of life extinguishing from your eyes.

He would never see your smile again.

[Word Count: 697]

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