Shouto Todoroki

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Requested by: Levis-Whattpad


He had refused to leave your side as the dentist removed your wisdom teeth. He looked on in abject terror as they were plied out of your mouth. He nearly froze the poor man, until you managed to calm him by explaining that it had to be done – this was just his job, he wasn't trying to hurt you. Any disgruntled sounds were unwarranted and simply due to lack of comfort on the chair.

He trailed you silently on the way to your house, observing your movements in a vain effort to prove that something had happened. Although he found no further reason to be worried, he stuck by your side, electing to return home with you rather than see his old man.

Knowing of his family situation, you weren't about to turn him away, and you certainly didn't want to pass up this golden opportunity – your mother loved Shouto, and apparently, so did your father. This you learned one day after complaining about his constant questioning and piercing glares directed towards your boyfriend.

Grabbing your key, you unlocked the door, holding it open for Shouto to step through. Once the two of you were inside, you moved to the living room, where your parents awaited.

"So, how did it go?" Your mother asked, eyes sparkling the instant she saw Shouto.

You stayed quiet, presuming that the enquiry was for him. It took him a moment, but when he realised this, he nodded, responding in his usual monotonous tone.

"It was fine."

Giggling, you remarked, "You didn't seem too happy about it."

He scowled, remembering the incident. "He was getting too close. He hurt you."

"He didn't hurt me. It was a necessary evil, Shou – you know that as much as I do."

There was nothing in his expression that would have made it appear like he was angry, but you knew him better than that. In all the time you had been together, you had grown quite acquainted with his collected demeanour, and you were just about the only person he ever told anything personal to. Except Midoriya, with his family history, which he glossed over briefly in conversation, leaving you laughing hysterically on the floor. He was so utterly confused.

You were his lifeline, much like he was yours.

Smirking, you sat down beside your mother, pulling Shouto into your lap. A beautiful crimson hue encased his features, eliciting an amused laugh from the slightly older woman.

"Mum, you'll never guess what Shouto does when he's anxious." You started, gazing deeply into his mismatched orbs.

You saw them expand, as if to warm you.

Hearing a hum, you continued your musings.

"He buries his head in my chest and grips me really tight. Also, he's such a cuddler when he's tired – it's adorable!"

Your mother cooed. "Aw, sweetie. You picked the right one."

"Sometimes, I'll catch him watching me from the opposite side of the classroom. He actually really loves his hair being stroked, and he even lets me play with it when I'm upset. I press up against his chest quite often, and he's really well defined!" You laughed, and Shouto made an attempt to shut you up by placing a hand over your mouth.

It didn't work, since you just licked his hand.

"I caught him trying on part of my hero costume the ot-" Before you could finish, a flushed bi-coloured boy grabbed your arm, trapping you between his body and the couch.

His eyes held a sort of pleading, but irritated look.

Leaning closer, he lined his lips up with your ear and whispered, "Should I tell her what you do when you're alone?"

[Word Count: 610]

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