Tamaki Amajiki/Keigo Takami ღ Hawks - Lemon

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Your footsteps clattered nimbly on the ground, drawing your attention to avoiding the cracks in the pavement. Noticing your peculiar movements, the man beside you laughed, then copied you. An undeniably sexy, shit-eating grin was plastered on his face, stretching from ear to ear. His gigantic, crimson wings flapped contentedly behind him, as though listening to the rhythm of his heart; it was surely pounding, although he would never show such a thing. Scrunching up his nose, he sneezed - a soft, sweet sound that forced a giggle from your lips, and his visor shifted. It ended up balancing rather precariously on the edge of his nose. His brows furrowed in mock concentration, while you gazed on in amusement.

The two of you were out patrolling, but nothing suspect was happening, so you had resorted to watching your companion's silly escapades. He loved that bright smile which would worm its way on to your features, tugging forcefully at your lips, and eventually settling. It was gorgeous, and he thought he could stare at it forever. You didn't often express much besides distain and slight mirth. The latter generally only came when someone you knew had fallen over or taken a blow to the stomach, or, when you were observing Mirio's unabashed antics. He was a genuinely good guy, and you got along well, but honestly, you had to confess to growing a bit red-faced around his close friend, Tamaki. You had only spoken in passing, but he seemed nice, once you overlooked all of his crippling insecurities. It was obvious to you that he really admired Mirio, but you failed to understand why he couldn't see that the blonde held him with the same level of regard.

Breathing through your nose, you elected to concentrate on the man you were with. Hawks was an esteemed pro hero, having flown into the top ten the same year he opened his office. Currently, you were working with him as an intern, because, as you had been informed, he saw potential in your quirk. He was five years your senior, but still flirted with you like a teenager.

Your power was called 'Pheromones', and it allowed you to send out a number of, well, pheromones. It could be considered similar to Midnight's quirk, because you were able to release a sleep-inducing smell, but also, you could paralyse, seduce, make someone experience deep fear, or simply wish for death. Hawks was constantly imploring you to try them on him. More specifically, he wanted to see how well you could seduce him. Needless to say, you never even attempted this, as it was extremely immoral, and although you didn't really care, it still didn't seem like a good thing to do. In fact, you only used that particular pheromone when absolutely necessary, and mainly stuck to the others. You thought it was better than forcing someone to wish for death, though. You chuckled, remembering the day of the quirk apprehension test, when your classmates had enquired whether you were related to Midnight.

Hawks cocked his head to the side, admiring the way the sunlight struck your face. Your (e/c) eyes appeared to illuminate, and your skin shimmered. He wondered what would happen if he reached out - would you be a literal hot mess, melting his hand with a single touch? Stray (h/c) locks draped over your ears, shielding them from the light. He cast his beady orbs upwards, to find that the sun wasn't quite as strong as initially suspected. Humming to himself, he realised that he was the hot mess; his cheeks must have been painted with scarlet splotches. He probably looked ridiculous. He half hoped you would remain focused on the pavement, or whatever was flooding your mind. You were smart - perhaps too smart - and he wasn't completely sure he would get out of an interrogation unscathed.

You sighed, and although it sounded sad, your expression remained monotonous. Your eyes were trailed on the ground, flitting between cracks and strewn-about leaves that had fallen from the nearby trees. You were so involved in your daydream, that you only returned to reality when Hawks grabbed your shoulders, pulling you away from a solid wall.

"Still spaced out?" He asked, grinning.

You observed him, responding, "Not anymore."

"You might not want to walk straight into walls. You could damage your pretty face." He commented, cracking one eye open to see if he had made you smile.

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