Tenya Iida

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Requested by: edsterjin


He looked down at you sceptically.

"What are you doing? You can't learn the entire course in one night!" He yelled, waving his hands around robotically.

"Try me Beyoncé."

His feelings weren't exactly obvious. In fact – he was even somewhat embarrassed to possess them. You were known by most as the epitome of comedy gold, beating the likes of Kaminari by miles. Controversial comments tumbled out of your mouth like a rapid waterfall. Hearing boisterous laughter and jokes being made was a daily occurrence, and Iida had gradually learned to accept that.

You weren't about to change for anyone.

Not that he really wanted you to. In all fairness, despite your opposing personalities, the two of you meshed extremely well. You could be serious when you wished to be, although that wasn't often. Study sessions had been organised by Exit Sign himself as a way of preparing you for the exams he believed you were inevitably going to fail without his intervention.

You spent far too much time on the internet.

A gigantic smile was plastered on your face, unnerving the cobalt-haired boy slightly. He watched you disregard his helpful question sheets, instead turning to your laptop for entertainment. He sighed, but did nothing to stop you, as he knew that you just wouldn't care – he couldn't get through to you when the internet was involved.

Heaven forbid he interrupt your Wattpad session. He shivered at the thought; if he so much as moved to grab your electronic, he was almost certain you would cut off his fingers.

"Hey Watchman!" You shouted, alerting his eyes to your laptop screen.

A drop of sweat rolled down his forehead. "Why are you on that site?"

"Because it's funny – look at this!"

Another sigh escaped his throat, and he put down his pencil, perching on the floor next to you. His aquamarine orbs glanced an article titled 'Creepy Pics That Will Freak Your Ass Out'.

"Is that really appropriate?" He questioned, grabbing his chin thoughtfully.

"Haha...I just wanna watch you shit yourself!"

[Word Count: 342]

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