Inasa Yoarashi

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Requested by: jacuso


You practically roared with laughter, as you watched the hulking mass of a teenager utilise his quirk for a bunch of elementary school children. He had a perpetual, goofy grin plastered on to his face, and he kept stomping up to the bi-coloured UA student, yelling at the top of his lungs and asking the most ridiculous questions. He was delightful, really, and you couldn't help but fall hard. You had been weirdly infatuated with this guy for years, and, unbeknownst to you, he felt the exact same way. You loved how he always made an effort to include you in conversations, mainly by waving dramatically or dragging you by the arm. You managed to laugh off all of his actions, even if, sometimes, he accidentally gave you giant purple bruises.

His grip was just too strong, but you didn't have the heart to tell him. You often wondered if you were a masochist, because you waited for his stinging hold, and it sent shockwaves of happiness down your spine. Camie sometimes gave you sidelong, knowing glances, smirking and pointing towards him. You would erupt in a blush, shaking your head, pouting, and desperately stating that you didn't have a clue what she was talking about.

She observed you even now, scrutinizing the tiniest ministration, and trying to see if you were any closer to lovers. You were both quite dense, so that probably wasn't very likely. As she suspected, the two of you were standing extremely close together, playing with the children as if they were your own. They were sharing surprised and confused looks. One of the young girls tugged at your leg, forcing you to bend down. She cupped a hand over her mouth, as she whispered something that made your face flush, and your body feel far too hot. Stuttering, you tried to whisper something back, but all of a sudden, Inasa crouched down, hand covering one side of his mouth. He started whispering, asking what you had been talking about, and if he could join. All the while, that blinding grin was present on his features. You lowered your head, refusing to speak, for fear of messing up and being incoherent. He was sure to laugh at you, because that's what he did. He could generally be found laughing, shouting and just loving life. It wouldn't be anything personal, but you still didn't desire to be at the brunt of his cackling.

"Hey, hey, what are you two talking about? Is it heroes?! Man, I love heroes! Let me tell you something -" He began rambling on about pretty much everything, eventually proceeding to blurt out his entire life story.

You had to admit, it was hilarious. Some more of the children noticed the three of you huddled together and speaking quietly, and, following a brief debate, they decided to join you. That only made things worse, to be honest, because the initial girl glanced at you once, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, and then turned away from you, sharing the interesting information with her classmates. They all giggled and smiled, making you sweat nervously, and gaze to the side. Inasa was squatting with purpose, the signature Shiketsu High hat planted atop his head. Another, more prominent scarlet hue wormed its way on to your face. You attempted to dispel all of the negative thoughts circulating your mind, but when you heard another snicker from the younger group, you just couldn't.

Finally, they turned to face you again. One of the boys thrust his finger towards you, standing tall and proudly declaring: "We have generously decided to help you!"

Inasa shouted a quick "Thanks!", in response.

Gulping, you asked, "With what?"

"Why, romance issues, of course!" The boy crossed his arms, directing his disappointment at you.

Inasa, noticing his diverted gaze, enquired, "(Y/n)?! You have romance issues? I'll help too, I swear!"

You swallowed thickly, then released a nervous laughter. "Yeah...thanks."

He jumped up, sticking up his thumb. "No problem!"

The children collectively grinned, which you found extraordinarily sinister. Dozens of beady, accusatory eyes followed your movements, watching as you stood up, brushed yourself off, and started walking behind one of the boys. He led both of you towards the giant ice slide. He positioned himself beside it, nodding to two of the girls. They tugged at your sleeves, and you hesitantly complied, allowing them to drag you wherever they wanted. They stopped at the top of the slide, pushing the two of you together, with a considerable amount of effort. One of the girls complained about Inasa being heavy, and made an off-handed comment, which was something along the lines of "Get a lighter boyfriend, miss.".

Apparently Inasa hadn't heard that, because he stood straight, mouth open and gaping at the massive drop. He was just going to ask what they were doing, and why they weren't helping lift the children's hearts, or something, when you slammed into his chest. His strong arms wrapped around you, fastening your body securely to his. Your face was burning, so you buried it into his toned chest. His mouth opened again, ready to speak, when he was shoved from behind. It took a heck of a lot of manpower, but the children somehow managed. You screamed into his hero costume, as you recalled that you didn't really like heights. Of course, Inasa knew this, but he forgot, and now that you were seemingly crying, yelling and balling up your fists, he clutched you close to his figure. You tried to focus on the fingers raking through your hair, instead of the fast-paced sliding motions currently tearing screams from your throat.

Eventually, you made it to the bottom, and the children rushed to meet you. Your body was trembling, and tears were streaming down your face. They stopped in their tracks, silently cursing. Inasa planted his chin atop your head, beginning to rub circles into your back, as he attempted to comfort you. It worked, and soon, the only noises passing your lips were quiet hiccups and sniffles.

"It's gonna be okay, (Y/n)." He informed, cupping your cheeks and tilting your face.

He pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead.

In return, you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck, whispering, "I know. You make everything okay."

[Word Count: 1051]

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