Shouto Todoroki - Lemon

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Requested by: MEKKOmi


Two extremely excited females rushed into every room on the floor, checking for anything of interest, and annoying almost everyone in the process. A few of the boys were getting into the adventure, yelling about how amazing their classmates' rooms were. They moved from the second to the fifth floor, surveying first the boys' rooms, then backing up and looking at the girls' rooms. However, there was a certain room that gave the impression of secret cult activity, or something of the sort. It was locked tightly, the big wooden door appearing very forbidding in the blinking light. Obviously, your friends grew suspicious, but this was Todoroki's room, and he wouldn't be up to anything sinister, right?

They failed to hear the sloppy, sexual sounds in the beginning, as they were relatively muffled by the door. The resident pervert pressed himself against it, much to the distain of his peers. His eyes widened, and drool started forming in the corners of his mouth. He raked his fingers against the door, attempting to rip it apart. Someone kicked him over. Your classmates shared a confused, concerned glance, eventually deciding to try the lock again. When it didn't work, they placed their ears to the door, straining to hear just what had Mineta on edge, and acting so very aroused.

Upon hearing a soft, male voice, mewling innocently, and pleading with someone, they immediately pulled away, sweating nervously and whistling. Slowly, they all began to walk away, electing to gather in the shared living space, perhaps to play a game, or simply do something that would take their collective mind off the imagery swirling around. They hadn't seen anything, but the sound alone was enough to put fantastical pictures in their heads, and most of them wanted to throw up. It was quite apparent who the other person was, because you weren't following them and commenting on your friends' rooms. You weren't with them, so you had to be somewhere, and you were dating the bi-coloured boy. They knew you to be a very dominant, possessive individual, so some of them were praying for Todoroki's safety, while others were wondering why he had chosen you, rather than them. He was the prettiest boy in class, so of course it would be disappointing for some of the females.

You really didn't care. Currently, you were smirking in the direction of the door, as you listened to the receding footsteps. Your lover was expressing a deep humiliation, but you remained atop him, relishing in his glorious noises, and pondering just how loud you could make him. Your nimble fingers yanked down his trousers and boxers, ghosting along the hardened tip of his member. He gritted his teeth, moaning lightly and trying not to arch his back. This was clearly a test of endurance, and he would play it. Neither of you were good at being fair, though, because you adored teasing him relentlessly, and he loved not showing just how much you were affecting him.

You gripped his erection, rubbing up and down, and flicking the tip infrequently. Todoroki bit down harshly on his tongue, refusing to release any other sounds. He was determined, and already beyond embarrassed - his peers had heard him at a low point, and he knew the memory of that would be difficult to erase. He usually wouldn't have bothered, but this wasn't on his terms. You were simply doing what you wanted, and while it felt incredible, his heart was pounding with anxiety. He could feel your touch vividly, and you weren't caressing him nearly fast enough. His trembling hands moved, attempting to stroke himself at his own pace. He effort was in vain, however, because you soon realised his plan, and put an end to it almost as quickly as it had begun. He silently cursed, watching a seductive grin creep on to your features. You could honestly be infuriating sometimes, and he wanted to do something about it. He couldn't, due to his current position; he was underneath you, being held down by your unnaturally strong thighs.

"They're gone now, baby." You cooed, observing the crease in his forehead as your fingers slid down to his base.

He sucked in a breath, gazing at you through half-lidded eyes. His breathing was heavy and laboured, as though he had just run a marathon without sufficient training. It sounded heavenly, and you craved more. He didn't respond to your words verbally, but you felt a shiver wrack his body. Your smirk flourished, and you tucked a few stray pieces of hair behind your ears. His heterochromic eyes closed briefly, and before he opened them, you descended on his length, licking your lips and taking it into your mouth. A surprised gasp escaped the bowels of his throat, and his hands immediately flew to your head, lacing his calloused fingers in your (h/c) locks.

Your tongue flicked out, running along the pulsing veins. He pushed your face further downwards, choking you in the process. A trail of saliva dripped down his chin, as he panted from the pleasure. You sucked deeply, holding his hips. When you thought he was close to cumming, you detached your lips, much to his dissatisfaction.

You reached into your pocket, bringing something into his field of vision. His eyes widened, and he looked at you in panic. You were smiling sweetly, presenting an item that he had seen before, although he never had any intention of using one. It sounded painful, from the reviews he had read online. He had only looked it up because you mentioned it one day, in passing, and curiosity had got the better of him. Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead. This feeling of nervousness was quite foreign to him, and he didn't appreciate it. Still, he didn't think that his words, or actions, would have any effect on you. After all, when you wanted something, you got it.

"Sweetie, you know what this is, right?" You asked, twirling it in your hand.

He nodded, gulping. You reached out a hand to pat his head.

"Good boy. You'll put it on for me, won't you?" At this, he hesitated, but nodded again, when he saw the hungry glint in your eyes.

He took it from you, sucking in another breath and placing it on the base of his member. You were admiring everything, and he suddenly felt far too exposed. He was hardly ever nervous, but around you, he was always the submissive one, for some reason. Maybe you were just that type of person? You were especially dominant, and he had known that before you started dating, so it was his fault, really. He never put much thought into finding a 'type', but you were everything that made him tick, everything that aroused him.

His cock strained against the ring. He was now desperately awaiting the end of this torture. You weren't going to let him orgasm for a long time. He really should have asked to check the contents of your pockets. He wasn't really sure where you were getting all these sex toys from, due to you being a teenager and living in a school dormitory. He had half a mind to interrogate you when this came to a close.

Gently caressing the skin just underneath his scar, you leaned in, placing a chaste kiss to his cheek.

"Don't forget that I love you, Shouto ~"

[Word Count: 1240]

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