Hitoshi Shinsou - Lemon

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There was never anything extraordinary about a student in the General Department.

That's what made sneaking around quite so easy.

Nobody ever noticed, because they weren't looking. Not for you, anyway. Of course, they were desperately trying to smoke out the perpetrator, but their untrained sights had been focused solely on the top two classes in the school. You were, seemingly, completely normal - a cheery, fun-loving, upbeat personality, coupled with a mediocre quirk. Your power was not amazing or flashy, but it was well suited for your particular priorities. It was affectionately called 'Deprivation', and allowed you to remove people's senses. You could use it on yourself, and also other people. The effects lasted for around three minutes, unless you used it again. However, the drawbacks were mainly blackouts, and a host of mental issues. You were also able to make yourself invisible to others, for a short period of time.

Your middle school life had been close to hell, because of people shooting down your aspirations; you were almost certain that you could hear the air escaping the balloons, sometimes. Although, through everything, there had been one silver lining - your fantastic, and very loyal boyfriend, Hitoshi. He made you feel like you could accomplish anything, and, in turn, you showered him with the similar comments and compliments. Now, you were in the same class as him, having failed the physical part of the entrance exam. You spent every break and lunch together, your head nuzzled into his shoulder, or his resting in your lap. You adored raking your fingers through his purple locks, tugging on them gently, and, when he fell asleep, braiding them. He was actually really warm, so you also loved to snuggle close to him, basking in his heat and scent. You weren't sure if he tested out various perfumes, but he smelled different almost every day. However, there was always one scent he seemed to prefer - cinnamon.

Today was just like every other. The two of you were sitting peacefully on the roof, leaning against each other. His hair was ghosting across your face, being gently blown about in the breeze. His breaths were shallow and regular. He could feel the heat radiating off you, despite the milder temperatures. He smiled, recalling every time you huddled closer to him, complaining of being cold. This was always a lie, he could tell, but rather than questioning it, he decided to embrace it. He wanted to keep you nearby, safe, and content.

"Hey, Hitoshi?" You yawned, pecking his cheek.

Gazing at you, he responded, "Yeah?"

Giving him a toothy smile, you asked, "Can we...you know?"

"I don't." He shook his head, now smirking. "You'll have to tell me."

You punched his shoulder lightly, pouting. "Can we do it? Please?"

He chuckled, reaching up to ruffle your hair. "If you want to."

Your (e/c) eyes sparkled, and in that moment, he felt so incredibly lucky. He had managed to secure the trust, and love, of someone as wonderful as you. It was a miracle, and he wasn't quite sure how it had happened. He remembered confessing to you, but he never expected anything positive to come from it. As he lay you down, planting one leg on either side of your body, he silently thanked the gods. You were absolutely divine, and although this wasn't your first time with each other, he would still cherish it forever. It confirmed that you wanted this as much as him, and he was over the moon. His hand trailed up your uniform, slowly starting to unbutton it. Once he did the first few, he took a minute to revel in your beauty. Then, he wrapped an arm around you, unclasped your bra, and chucked it aside.

When your breasts were exposed, he flicked out his tongue and began swirling it around your perked buds. He gave equal attention to each, and when his mouth was occupied, the other breast would get his hand. After, he trailed his tongue down the valley of your breasts, to your stomach, opening the remainder of the buttons on the way. When your shirt was agape, he roamed his hands all over your top half. You shivered.

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