Shouto Todoroki

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Requested by: paccalicious


Since your first encounter, your mind raced with thoughts of the future. Having been an arranged marriage, you dwelled little on it until your fateful meeting.

In vivid detail, you recalled the beauty of his heterochromatic eyes; the silkiness of his two-toned hair, and his low, sensual voice – the one that covered you in goosebumps the more you imagined it.

Despite having met only once, you fell hopelessly in love. He haunted your dreams every night; enticing wild fantasies from you in the day.

Years passed, and there was scarce communication between families. For a brief period, you were plagued with a horrible feeling that the arrangement would be revoked. As childish as it may have appeared, you were not willing to let him go without a fight.

Your apprehension followed you for some time, and when the day came that you were finally to begin your Hero Studies, under the most prestigious school in Japan, you couldn't have been more worried.

According to your parents, they had spoken with the Todoroki family just recently.

Your future husband would be attending UA.

For all your excitement, there came agonising nerves. Questions of the most foolish degree floated in your brain –

Will he still like me?

What if he found someone else?

Will I be able to recognise him?

What if he never liked me?

The last one might not have been quite so far-fetched, as your only encounter was a number of years ago, and the whole event had been pre-planned. The arrangement was Endeavor's doing; not his son's.

Was it really so unbelievable that he may never have held any feelings for you?

It wasn't particularly a topic you wished to breech. Bidding your mother farewell, you strolled the path to UA, managing for the most part to direct your thoughts to something less distressing. On the way, you bumped into a hyper-active brunette, who ran towards you at top speed, asking if you were headed to UA.

Nodding, you walked alongside her, listening with amusement to the girl's enthusiasm. Occasionally, you commented, which seemed to further elate her.

Some way outside the doors, she located a fluffy green haired boy. Smiling blindingly, she said goodbye, bounding up to the male. You turned and proceeded to enter the building; marvelling at the architecture, and whichever Pro Heroes greeted you on the corridor.

Standing at the door to Class 1-A, you took a breath before sliding it open. All eyes were on you the instant you were visible.

No sign of Todoroki yet.

Slightly disappointed, you were left pondering over whether you would even be in the same class. You heartily welcomed the distraction your new classmates were creating, and opted to form strong bonds with all of them from the start.


A moderately dazed voice called out, sounding more questioning than anything else.

Gulping, you prayed to Kamisama this was who you were hoping for. Peering around the crowded bodies, you glimpsed mismatched hair and a flash of aqua.


The boy let out a hum of acknowledgement. And it seemed, relief. Apparently he didn't actually know you were there, and was clutching a ray of hope. Scrambling to reach him, your eyes filled with tears.

His monotone expression gave away little emotion. You wouldn't have known he was happy to see you without the miniscule smile.

But it was there.

You saw it.

Contorting into a concoction of sadness, joy, hope and love, one thing stood cruelly conspicuous: your free-flowing tears. They had gathered in your eyes, and fallen on to your cheeks. Sniffing, you bravely ran up to him, immediately wrapping your arms around his torso.

Resting a hand on your head, he gently stroked your (h/c) locks, allowing you to cry into his chest.

"I've m-missed you! S-So much!"

Through your tears, they were the only discernible words. Yet, they still permeated Todoroki's entire being.

"I know. I missed you too." He whispered, caressing your hair.

You grabbed on to the back of his blazer as if your life depended on it. And in many ways, it did. Calming down leisurely, thanks to his warming touch, your breathing returned to normal. Or, as normal as it could possibly be now that you were reunited with your fiancé.

Shaking your head; your arms retracted, flying to your face in order to wipe away the tears. Todoroki beat you to it, tenderly dabbing them off your face.

You stared, entranced by his gorgeous eyes. As you did so, he turned to the side.

"Don't stare." He mumbled, unconvincingly.

Your dazzling smile illuminated his heart, subsequently adding a tint of crimson to his pale cheeks.

"Why shouldn't I? My handsome fiancé."

[Word Count: 785]

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