Shouto Todoroki

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Shouto had opened up a lot more after the Sports Festival, but you were just as reclusive as ever. Since you first entered into Class 1-A, you hadn't made any friends. You never actively searched for relationships, and always seemed to brush everyone off.

He had noticed this, but wasn't really sure what to do. He knew he wanted to talk to you, but he didn't know how, or what to say.

Midoriya caught him staring at you, and nudged him gently.

"(Y/n) again?" He asked, smirking.

Shouto gazed away from you, looking instead at the green-haired boy sitting next to him.

"Yes...I want to talk to her. But, I'm not sure..." He trailed off, hanging his head slightly.

Midoriya seemed to light up, telling him that everything would be fine. At some point, Iida and Uraraka joined the conversation, trying to give helpful advice. Well, it was mainly Uraraka giving him pick-up lines to use, and teasing him about being in love with you.

That got him thinking. Was he in love with you? It would explain why he felt so drawn to you, even though you had never talked to him.

He went home, still deep in thought. That led on to something else – you were never in the canteen at lunch. Did you even eat? He was sure you must, but it didn't stop him worrying. He also thought you should at least have someone looking out for you, no matter how strong you were.

So, he decided to make lunch for you. It was difficult, since he had no idea what you liked, but he just made his favourites, and put in some extras. He wanted to make sure you ate as much as you could, just in case you in fact didn't eat every day.

He put everything aside for the morning, quite excited that he was going to talk to you.

When he got to school, he saw that you were already there. You caught his gaze, and he smiled softly. Your eyes widened, before you turned away.

He sighed, walking to his seat.

Once lunch rolled around, you were one of the first out of the classroom. He couldn't ask where you went, so he tried searching the school. He looked everywhere, eventually remembering the roof. He walked up the steps, stopping briefly at the door.

What if you weren't there? Even if you were, would you talk to him?

He shoved the thoughts to the back of his mind, pushing the door open. There was a breeze - a calming one. Then he spotted you. Sitting in a corner, reading.

Relief washed over him, and he made his way to you. Hearing footsteps, you looked up. Upon seeing Shouto, you felt ready to move. However, something forced you to stay where you were. He sat next to you, keeping a safe distance. You hadn't given your book any attention since you saw him, and he took that as a good sign.

Bringing his bag in front of him, he produced two lunch boxes. He placed one in front of you.

"I've never seen you eat, so I made you a bento." He explained.

You stared at him, in disbelief. Why would he bother? You never talked.

Breaking eye contact, you looked at the box. Bookmarking your page, your book was put on the side of you that wasn't occupied. You picked up the bento, examining it.

Shouto was nervous – he didn't know if you'd even accept it.

"Don't you eat in the canteen?" You questioned.

He wasn't sure he had ever actually heard your voice, because when you spoke, you sounded like an angel. He had to use his right side to stop him heating up.

"I wanted to talk to you." He stated, starting his own lunch.

"I see. Thank you." Your own bento was opened, and you were surprised, to say the least.

You weren't sure if he knew your favourite foods, but if not, it was a bloody lucky guess. Shouto was observing you – trying to see if you liked it. He really hoped he hadn't messed up.

You started eating, slowly, but when you took the first bite, you wanted to eat it forever. The look of awe on your face, and the small smile that accompanied it were enough signs for Shouto. He breathed another sigh of relief.

While he was watching you, something Uraraka said came to mind.

"Give her a pick-up line! Oh, and you need to compliment her! Tell her how much you love her!"

He blushed lightly at the last line, but he knew it was true. Of course he was in love with you – how couldn't he see it before?

"You're really cute." He said.

This caused you to almost choke on the little bit of bento you had left. When you finished, you gave the box back to him, cheeks slightly red, and mumbled a "Thank you."

He smiled again, happy to have got a positive reaction out of you.

"There's only one thing I want to change about you." He started.

You furrowed your brows, silently questioning him. He made you lunch, and now he wants to change you? But he continued before you could verbally ask anything.

"Your last name." He finished.

You stared at him for what seemed like an eternity. Your cheeks were bright red now, but you couldn't tear your eyes away from his completely serious face.

He began feeling like that was something he shouldn't have said, until he heard you laugh. It was music to his ears – he had never heard a more beautiful sound, except maybe your voice in general.

He fixed his gaze on your figure lovingly.

"Uraraka said that was how I could win you over..." He muttered.

Your laughing ceased, and he was left with little giggles. You still had a smile. He felt proud to have been the one to give you such a sweet expression.

"You won me over at the Sports Festival, Shouto." You informed.

His cheeks felt warm, and he was resisting the urge to cup your face and kiss you. When you said his first name, he thought his world was on fire. You had never even called him by his surname. He was seeing hearts, and he wasn't sure if that was normal. He didn't really care.

You reached a hand out to his, connecting your pinkies. His was warm, and the sensation of your touch made him shudder.

"Then do it. I want to be (Y/n) Todoroki." You whispered, leaning closer to him.

His breath hitched as your lips connected, and he decided he would keep you forever.

"I love you Mrs. Todoroki." 

[Word Count: 1121]


(A/N): Sorry this is really long, and it might not be very good. 

I couldn't really think of anything. :(

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