Kyoka Jirou

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Due to an unprecedented amount of encouragement, the most musically talented individual in your class embraced the mantle of lead guitarist/vocalist. Pretty blotches of crimson dotted her features, as she scanned the crowd of people swarming her. Unadulterated bliss invaded her face.

The support was overwhelming.

Positioned towards the back of the congregation, careful not to get trampled, you projected a proud expression. In the fleeting moment that her beautiful amethyst irises locked with yours, you waved, signalling your approval and supportive stance on her newfound position. She smiled, sending a pleasant fluttering sensation coursing through your stomach.

Flashing her a mischievous wink, you returned the gesture.

A jovial laugh erupted from the bowels of her throat, eliciting similar sounds from everyone in the vicinity. They had been unaware of your relationship since the beginning, and you both planned on announcing it when the time was right.

Perhaps after this performance.

Acknowledging your gift for the art of dancing, a certain animated pinkette had requested your assistance with the choreography, meaning that you were able to be relatively close to your lover. It also meant that nobody found any suspicion in you conversing with her frequently, and practising the moves.

For this, you were infinitely thankful.

Thanking her companions, she waded through them, attempting to station herself by your side. Discussions about staging and whatnot floated around the room, so nobody heard your exchange.

"You have a lovely voice, Kyouka."

Blushing, she responded, "You've already heard it."

A content hum escaped your lips. "And I think it's beautiful. I love that you're sharing it with everyone. You're really opening up."

Her face continued to burn, as she sputtered some barely coherent words.

Giggling, you encased her hand in your own, relishing in the sudden, surprised sound she emitted. Noting that your classmates were all far too busy with their preparations to recognise your absence, you pulled Kyouka along. Hand in hand, you ambled silently down the corridor, passing multiple rooms, until you came upon the desired one.

Opening the door, you stated, "After you."

Once again, she laughed, sparking a fire in the pit of your stomach. These feelings were flourishing by the minute, and you wanted nothing more than to unwind from the day's stress, Kyouka nestled securely in your arms. 

[Word Count: 382]

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