Shouto Todoroki/Katsuki Bakugou

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Requested by: Drawing-Ato


For an extended time, their stalker-esque actions went unnoticed.

In turn, each boy would follow you home, making sure you arrived safely at your destination. You hadn't sensed their presences, and they didn't know of each other.

They were making their moves separately.

Todoroki watched as you rounded the corner; your house was close – he knew the exact number and location. He had been there so many times while you were out, searching for things to take, that wouldn't arouse much suspicion. As it stood, you seemed to think it was a string of coincidences.

You were clumsy and forgetful, after all.

Bakugou hid in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to catch you off-guard; he wanted to pass an encounter off as an accident. For him, a simple touch of the skin while hurrying down the school corridor wasn't enough. Some time ago, it might have been, but now he was truly, utterly infatuated.

They both believed you to be a goddess; Aphrodite incarnate.

The boys, being on opposing sides of the street, veiled themselves not only from you, but from each other. Naturally, as soon as they began picking up speed, their ears caught on to a terribly familiar sound of footsteps.

Simultaneously, they halted.

Turning, they were now exposed to their rival.

"Why are you here?" Todoroki questioned first, glaring at the blonde with a steely-eyed look.

"HUH? WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE, BASTARD?" He retorted, getting in the other's face.

"Keep your voice down. Unless you want her to hear?"

Casting his gaze downward, Todoroki resumed following you; shortly joined by a flaring Bakugou. He was whisper-yelling at the red and white boy, infuriated that he actually had to listen to a word he said.

You turned the corner, humming a soft tune to yourself.

"Is it a dream?

All the ones I have loved calling out my name

The sun warms my face

All the days of my life, I see them passing me by..."

Hearing your melodic voice, the boys' pace grew faster, hoping to be as close to you as possible, without being detected.

"You like her too, half 'n half?" Bakugou groaned.

"More than you, I'm sure." Came the response.

The blonde bit his lip so hard that blood flowed down his chin. He was in no way calm; this bastard thought he was better than him, yet again.

"SHE'S MINE, YOU HEAR ME?" He shouted, steam billowing of him.

Due to the sad lack of earplugs, and the recognisable language of one Katuski Bakugou, a Class 1-A student you were somewhat acquainted with, your walk came to an abrupt stop.

See, you weren't actually in Class A. You had a lie detector quirk, that it became very apparent was not suited for combat with robots. Thus, you failed the Hero Entrance Exam. However, your second option had been the Support Course, and you were pretty happy building things with that eccentric, Hatsume.

Amused, you looked in the direction you had come, only to see a pair of 1-A students arguing over what was probably something petty.

You sighed, meandering over to where they stood. As you neared, the blonde shut up, and the boys both stared at you in fascination.

Todoroki's unchanging, cold expression made it impossible to gather information from outward appearance alone, and Bakugou was steaming, so you doubted your luck getting anything out of them without using your quirk.

"Is something the matter?" You inquired, smiling.

They wouldn't have mentioned it – you appeared to be extracting answers on your own. Todoroki's lips moved, but he didn't feel in control.

"We followed you." He stated.

"To the point." You commented, swivelling to face Bakugou.

"Any particular reason?" You questioned.

He hesitated for a moment, and you sensed him trying desperately to resist your quirk.

"I love you."

Stunned silence ensued. You weren't sure which was more concerning – that they stalked you, or that Bakugou just claimed to love you, despite so few encounters.

Todoroki, not wishing to be left out, grabbed your arm, resting a hand on your face and pulling you close.

"I love you more." He informed, softly.

The proximity elicited a lovely crimson blush, matching perfectly the left side of his hair. He took some time stroking your cheek, before leaning in and planting tender kisses all over your face. He worked his way from your jaw, to your cheek, ear, forehead, and so on, until he reached your mouth.

Your breath hitched when you saw the lust in his eyes. He hovered over your lips, gazing hungrily.

All of a sudden, a tight grasp snatched you from Todoroki, sending you into a hard chest. You immediately felt lips on your neck. He sucked on it, leaving marks that were sure to be visible for days. When he found your sweet spot, he attacked it, causing you to moan erotically.

"B-Bakugou..." Your voice trailed off, as you felt the overwhelming pleasure of his lips.

Locking eyes with Todoroki, he smirked, proceeding to open a few buttons of your shirt, and latch a hand on to your breast. With untamed jealousy, the heterochromatic boy violated your lips again, ravaging the inside of your mouth until you were panting and begging for more.

The two males glared at each other, then looked towards your dishevelled figure.

"You love us, don't you?" 

[Word Count: 894]

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