Katsuki Bakugou {Marriage Law AU}

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A new law had been imposed upon society in the last few years, decreeing that all those registered as having a quirk marry someone without, who was chosen for them at the time their power manifested. This was in order to stop two quirkless from breeding, therefore increasing the likelihood of one day having a society thriving from a one hundred percent quirk rate.

One person pronouncedly opposed to this seemingly hellish regulation, was Katsuki Bakugou, resident bully and egotist, who regularly made his loathing of the quirkless population apparent. He complained tirelessly to his parents, although they weren't able to adjust it.

When it became time for the two of you to meet, he was more than a little agitated. All the way to your house, he was yelling about his unfair situation, and how he would never come to love you, no matter what.

That was ten years ago.

Middle school rolled around, and you had become well acquainted with the explosive blonde, much to his initial distaste. The first time you entered his home, you were told specifically not to touch anything, or else he would blow you up. However, as much as he tried to scare you, he succeeded instead in instigating the opposite effect. You clung to him like a lifeline, always overly-cheerful, obtrusive, compassionate.

Now, you had also grown close to a fellow quirkless – Izuku Midoriya. This appeared to annoy Bakugou to no end, as he constantly told you to stay away, using a gruff, 'menacing' tone which he hoped would ward you off.

"Izuku! ~" You yelled jovially, running up to him and crushing him in a bear hug.

"O-Oh! Hi (Y-Y/n)!" He stuttered back, sensing the malice from your fiancé's presence.

Turning, you noticed him in the background. Detaching yourself from the poor cinnamon roll, you bolted up to Bakugou, attacking him with a flurry of kisses to the face. He made a disgusted sound, attempting to shove you away. Pouting, you grabbed his arm, dragging him over to where Midoriya stood, trembling. Bakugou narrowed his eyes, causing the green haired boy to glance at the intricate patterning of the cold stone floor.

"Katsuki! You won't believe what happened today!" You beamed, jumping slightly.

"Tch. The hell should I care?" He responded, refusing to look at your angelic face.

"Because you love me! ~" You sung, tightening your grip on his arm.

He wasn't exactly shouting, but his voice had risen as he spat out a few curse words. The improvement – what you had drilled into him throughout the years – was that he didn't so much as venture to remove your arms. It felt...comforting. There was something in the way your kindness was displayed. It stopped him from hurting you, verbally or physically.

Eventually, once he realised that you were dedicated to him (it took a good few years), he made a conscious effort to be slightly nicer, but it was mainly in the privacy of your homes, rather than in the great outdoors. Well, nowhere people could see him being affectionate.

Sighing, he ruffled your hair, relishing in the satisfied hum leaving your throat. His eyes softened as they graced your sublime features, lovingly.

"Yeah...I guess I do."

Laughing, you made a concise retort. "It only took you ten years."

[Word Count: 552]

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