Denki Kaminari - Lemon

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Your comrades were below, shouting obscenities at you in what you supposed was an actual language, although you were too caught up in your musings to care. You were busy flipping through the documents acquired from the school, casting your eyes over many of the students. A certain one had caught your attention a while ago, which prompted you to assist the league in getting the school schedule. You were the one who infiltrated the building during the media surge, collecting all the information the league needed and getting out unscathed. Your miracle of a quirk helped massively. You smirked. This whole ordeal could be rather interesting, if Shigaraki managed to do something right for once.

Your fingers brushed the corner of a certain page. Your (e/c) orbs glistened with excitement; this was the one you wanted. He was an adorable thing - fluffy blonde hair with a black lightning-bolt streak, golden eyes, and his quirk had an amusing side effect. You couldn't help but become entranced by his appearance and personality.

Trailing your eyes to where he was situated, currently in the process of fighting for his life, you sighed.

I need to get him alone.

You stuffed the papers into your cloak, jumping down, into the chaos. All around you, villains were battling aspiring heroes. You didn't care for any of that; you were focused on a specific target. You would drag him away from those other females - the ones he seemed so content to flirt with at every given opportunity. You needed to make him realise that he belonged to you, and he wasn't free to flirt with whoever he wanted. It was completely inexcusable, and you were going to let him know.

A fellow villain was thrown to the floor, rolling alongside you. An irritated sound escaped your throat, and you picked him up, tossing the sorry excuse for a villain somewhere that wasn't near you. There was a nervous atmosphere surrounding everyone who gazed upon you - they weren't quite sure why you were just walking across the USJ, not attacking. Your eyes were twinkling with determination and delight, not the malice they had been expecting. You hopped and stepped over body after body, but you never once looked down. You just seemed to know exactly where they were, and how to successfully avoid them. When you got close to the specific area, you picked up the pace and started running. It was a desperate sort of run, almost as if something was chasing you. However, rather than someone assaulting you, you assaulted them. You went up behind a villain, jumping on their back and wrapping your legs around their waist. They struggled, flailing about and trying to fling you off. Giggling, you pulled a dagger out of your pocket, and without warning, you buried it deep into the villain's neck.

They fell backwards, and you just missed getting squashed.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing? Stick to the plan!" One of your associates yelled.

You ignored him, opting instead to run start running again, this time grabbing the blonde's wrist. He yelped in confusion and shock, face reddening when you winked at him.

"This way!" You whispered, flinging him out in front.

A purple portal opened up below, engulfing him completely. You smiled, jumping in after him. You reappeared on the opposite side of the USJ, alone together and flanked by buildings. You were able to hear what was transpiring in the other areas, but nobody else was visible. The object of your twisted affections was splayed out on the ground, back arched from the sudden fall. You resisted the urge to laugh at his stupidity. He was a div, but god was he adorable. You wanted to absolutely ravish him, but unfortunately, you didn't have the right tool kit. So, he would have to ravish you instead.

You shuffled over to him, turning his body around so that he had a face full of your chest. He flushed and sputtered, attempting to glance to the side. Remembering that you still had your dagger in hand, you swung one leg over his stomach, pinning him to the ground, and placing the sharp steel tip of the dagger to his chin, tilting it up.

"Hi Kaminari ~" You purred, mischief laced into your sweet tone.

He gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing underneath your knife. 

"H-Hi. Um...have we met?"

Giggling, you responded, "I've met you. Well, I've seen you."

"Oh." He paused. "Are you going to stay there?"


Sticking out your tongue, you ran it along your lower lip slowly, seductively. The knife remained in its dangerous position, grazing his throat and giving him severe heart palpitations; he was sweating buckets - a beautiful young woman was sitting atop him, threatening him with a saccharine smile. He lay silently beneath you, not daring to make his usual flirtatious remarks. He also didn't want to use his quirk, since you were so close, you were a girl, and, if everything went wrong, he would ultimately be vulnerable and open to attack. He wasn't quite sure what you were going to do yet, and he didn't know if his heart was beating so ferociously because he was shit scared, or because he was actually feeling something for you.

Your predatory gaze was going straight to his cock.

"Kaminari ~" You whispered, leaning into his ear. "Fuck me?"

His face paled. "What?"

You smirked, travelling a hand down his clothed chest, past his abdomen, and finally settling over the bulge in his pants. You palmed it, relishing in the moment, and the erotic moans he was trying to conceal. Your fingers flicked the annoying buttons on his trousers.

"Didn't you hear me?" You asked, licking the shell of his ear.

The zipper came next, and you tugged on it forcefully, almost breaking it. You gripped the waistline of his trousers, carefully rolling it down his hips. This part you purposefully did very slowly, so as to draw out any begs or mewls from his pretty lips. The trousers got caught on his erection; you laughed so hard that his face ended up resembling a tomato. He had never felt so embarrassed in his life. He opened his mouth to protest, but immediately closed it again when you rubbed the tip of his member, simultaneously pulling the trousers off his person. You continued fondling his length as he squirmed on the ground. While he was distracted, you fiddled with your own pants, yanking them off along with your panties.

You lifted yourself up slightly, stretching your hole without inserting any fingers. You wanted to do this raw, no matter how much it hurt; sex was always the best raw. You removed his boxers, licking your lips at the sight of his length. Lining yourself up with it, you took a shallow breath, then slammed down, causing a pained cry to wrack your entire body. You steadied your figure by placing both hands on his chest. You were breathing heavily, waiting for a few moments, before sliding up, and crashing back down. He was fully sheathed inside you now, and you began to rock your hips for more friction. His member was straining against your walls, and the pleasure made you want to drool.

The blonde wasn't doing much of anything, so, in an attempt to motivate him, you grabbed his hands and planted them on your hips. He gulped, holding on roughly and digging his nails into your skin.

"Fufu..." You breathed. "So good..."

His mouth fell open, shallow pants escaping. "...Good?"

You nodded. "Yea- AH!"

He thrust upwards, ramming his erection into your tight hole. He put more pressure on your hips, earning some pleasant moans and mewls. There were probably still weapons on you, so he didn't want to test his luck by getting too physical, but he also found himself wanting to mess you up.

"How...good?" He questioned, trying not to look like a complete amateur.

You leaned into his body, kissing the sides of his face affectionately.

"Nngh...good. R-Rea- AHH!! Really g-good...!"

"Yeah? Well, you're going to feel even better...soon."

[Word Count: 1357]

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