Shouto Todoroki/Izuku Midoriya/Tenya Iida

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The knowledge that your beloved was likely only a few doors down caused a terrible excitement to permeate your body, although you failed to shake the blossoming feeling of disloyalty. He was the sweetest, most innocent person you had ever met, and you felt incredibly lucky to be someone he favoured. As the newest addition to his friendship group, the bond between you and Todoroki grew each day, and before long, a secret rendezvous had been instigated. Sneaking off to secluded areas of the school, climbing into his lap as you shared heated kisses, the sensation of his icy touch on your bare back...

Denial wasn't an option at this point – you knew that, if caught, Todoroki would declare his undying love for you, and that would be the end of your relationship with Izuku. As much as you wished not to hurt the cinnamon roll, your fling with Todoroki continued, even when faced with a dreaded hospital environment.

Your predicament at the moment, was that your worrisome self had elected to visit your three classmates, post their encounter with the Hero Killer. However, upon arrival, you noted that only Todoroki was visible. He motioned for you to step through the door, spotting the flowers in your hand.

"For Midoriya?" He questioned, monotonously.

Nodding, you replied, "I was concerned."

Alluring, mismatched eyes stared longingly at your figure, silently willing you to sit beside him. Granting his unspoken request, you allowed yourself to lower on to the bed cautiously, endeavouring to cause him as little pain as possible. In an instant, his warm hand was holding up your chin, and you glimpsed the flicker of love behind his steely orbs.

A delightful spark of unadulterated anticipation coursed through your entire being as he captured your lips in a tender peck. It lasted no longer than a second, but was more than enough to exhilarate you, sending flares of eagerness straight to your heart. Grabbing his hospital top, you swiftly flipped him around, crashing your lips back together for a prolonged make-out session.

Saliva connected your mouths when you detached, the feeling of your hot breath causing his beautiful eyes to flutter open. Panting echoed off the walls, and you hurriedly whipped off your shirt, sitting atop his body as if you owned him. Left in a bra and your (pants/skirt), you leaned down to plant another intense kiss to his awaiting lips.

In the midst of your lusty ministrations, the room's door slid open, revealing two shocked, and frankly horrified people. Taking note of their quite conspicuously displeased expressions, Todoroki opted to maintain eye contact with your lover as he deepened the kiss, shoving his tongue further down your throat.

You hadn't heard the door – your ears were flooded with sloppy kissing noises, so you simply giggled upon feeling the bi-coloured boy switch your positions. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours affectionately.

"Say hi to your boyfriend." He mused, a smirk tugging at his lips.

Your demeanour morphed immediately. Eyes wide with panic, they searched the room until landing on the two boys still stood by the door. Various excuses rattled around in your mind, but none escaped your mouth. You proceeded to look between Izuku, Iida and Todoroki, mutely demanding an explanation from the latter.

He shrugged, yanking your arm. You fell into his lap almost limply, struggling when you felt his arms constrict around your naked waist. His right hand trailed down to your (pants/skirt), slipping under and fondling your core through the soaked panties. His left hand grazed your chest, slithering into your bra, twisting the erect nipples harshly.

As you writhed against him, Todoroki wordlessly challenged the two males, daring them to touch you. Simultaneously, they gulped, gradually walking closer to the bed. Izuku was the first to break the ice.

"T-Todoroki?" He asked, evidently nervous.

The bi-coloured boy simply hummed in reply, continuing to pleasure you, however much you pleaded him to stop.

"W-Why are you d-doing that?"

"She's enjoying it." He answered, pressing his fingers against your womanhood brutally.


Izuku was stunned beyond comprehension. He couldn't imagine why his girlfriend would cheat on him, much less with a fellow classmate. He didn't realise he was once again speaking aloud until he heard you call his name, snapping him from whatever twisted thoughts were being conjured in his mind.

"Nngh...Izuku ~"

Feeling his pants grow tighter by the second, the green haired boy stalked closer, apprehensively glancing back at Iida for support. The usually serious, seemingly asexual bluenette was crossing his legs discreetly, looking off to the side, while a shaky hand covered his flustered features.

Mewling was all they could hear, and it was affecting their lowest regions. Izuku emitted a quivering breath, before leaning in to capture your hungry lips. You responded instantly, moving your mouth against his sensually, relishing in the ecstasy elicited from feeling both Todoroki and Izuku pressed up to your body.

Teasingly, the red and white boy prodded an icy finger into you, being as agonisingly slow as possible, to produce the best sounds. Licking over the love bites on your neck, he locked eyes with Iida, signalling for him to take care of his problem. An intense blush raged on his face, but nevertheless, he was soon standing awkwardly at your side. Removing his hand from your breasts, Todoroki experimentally poked the bulge in the boy's pants, causing an involuntary moan to escape his lips.

Satisfied, he pointed to you.

"Use her mouth."

[Word Count: 921]

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