Momo Yaoyorozu {Male Reader} - Lemon

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She had fought you during the attack on the USJ. You restrained yourself for her convenience, letting her think that she had you outsmarted. You took cover when one of her classmates used his electrification quirk, promptly fleeing the scene. Hey, you had to be alive to meet that beauty again. There was something about the way she moved her hips...something that, to your delusional mind, meant she was asking for someone to take her, hard and rough, probably in the woods behind the school campus.

A light bulb illuminated your thoughts – that was exactly what you would do, then. You would give her everything she seemed to want. Honestly, with a body and an attitude such as hers, she was practically begging to be fucked – filled to the brim with your cum, so much that it leaked on to the ground below, and so deep that it penetrated her womb. You also guessed that she would be extremely maternal, which was all the more reason to do her this favour. If she wanted a companion, and children, as desperately as she appeared to, then you were willing to make all her dreams come true.

The fact that you were a villain – someone from the opposing faction – wouldn't even begin to register, while you were fucking her blind. She would use that sultry mouth to call, beg, whimper, and moan for you. Her eyes would roll back in her head, and the feeling of ecstasy would be so overwhelming, that she would see stars. She would become so accustomed to your rhythmic thrusting, so addicted – that she would physically prevent you from slowing down or stopping, by holding on to your thighs, or catching you off-guard and flipping you over, pinning your body to the ground as she rode you.

That's certainly quite the fantasy.

As you walked the scenic route to the prestigious school, you tried to recall the exact layouts of the campus and all the buildings within it, or at least the ones you had infiltrated before. You were formerly a contract killer, but turned to a pro villain upon realising that the profession was, frankly, a lot more entertaining. Above all, this meant that you were more inclined to thoroughly scope out your target areas, and learn everything that they encompassed. The same was true for UA – you had been responsible for entering the establishment and finding the teachers' schedules. You were pretty pissed when you realised that All Might wasn't in attendance, but instead of spending the next few days grovelling over that, you began readying to take your victim.

You smirked, thinking of all the options available to you once she was found and brought to a secluded location. She was going to make such a pleasing reward for all your hard work. Things like getting information and sneaking around places with high security took time and effort, and you wanted some sort of compensation. That would be your ostensible reason, anyway. In reality, you were just hoping to capture the ebony-haired belle who had been plaguing your dreams.

You managed to get around the initial building, and on to the training grounds, without being spotted. This raised your confidence, and you moved closer to where you thought the students might be exercising. You guessed correctly, and hid for the duration of the time, in which you simply kept your eyes focused solely on your target. You thought you saw her shiver slightly, and ducked down for a moment, wondering if she was going to glance your way.

She didn't, and you continued to observe the movements of her body in that delicious hero costume. She was completely unaware of what she was doing to you, a young man with deeply sexual urges. She seemed to be annoyed at the small purple boy in her class, which you found amusing, although you supposed that really, the only difference between you was that you were a little better at displaying your desires, and you were going to do something about them.

When you noticed their training had finished, you grew very excited. The students started filing out of the area, and you skipped forwards, eager to get another look at your unsoiled beauty, before she became a moaning, whimpering mess beneath you. She looked so glamorous, and she appeared to be a genuinely kind-hearted person.

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