Shouto Todoroki

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Requested by: laurexlance


Shouto wandered around the city for a while, searching all the shops and wondering what to buy. He had been around you long enough to know your likes and dislikes, but he didn't want to get anything that made his feelings too obvious. It wasn't Valentine's Day.

After scouring practically every shop, he stopped at a quaint bookshop, a way out from the high-rise buildings at the heart of the city.

Admiring it for a moment, he tried to remember your favourite books. When they came to mind, he stepped into the shop, and his attention was immediately caught by the shelves of manga near the door. He ambled towards it, examining the titles. His eyes scanned the alphabetized books, until he came across one he had overheard you talking about.

It was (favourite manga), and you had wanted the series for such a long time. He nodded to himself, grabbing the whole set, and walking to the counter.

There was an elderly woman running the shop, and she smiled upon seeing Shouto.

"For your girlfriend?" She asked, knowingly.

"N-No. She's a good friend." He replied, flustered.

"Ah, I see. Well, I'm sure she'll love them." She handed them to him.

He gave a "Thank you", and wandered out. He pondered over the word 'Girlfriend' for a while, testing how it sounded when he thought of you. A faint smile appeared on his face. Maybe he was in your head when someone said 'Boyfriend'.

Your birthday was finally here. You were excited to get to spend such a special day with all your new friends!

They decided amongst themselves that they would hold a party for you after school in the dorms. You weren't informed, and everyone scrambled to get to get you the best present they could find. Of course, Shouto bought your weeks in advance, so the only part that worried him was if someone had the same idea.

He let it go, making sure to dedicate the entire day to you – he wanted you to feel special. Perhaps you would even tell him those words he so desperately wanted to hear.

Class ended, and everyone made their way to the dorms in a hurry. Shouto stayed back with you, only leaving to retrieve your gifts. Someone blindfolded you the second you were through the door. They were giggling, so you could guess it was Mina.

No-one said anything, but you were led into the living room, where you felt a nervous excitement. It was hushed, but you could feel vibrations on the floor, meaning lots of people were moving. When your classmates deemed everything ready, the cover on your eyes was stripped away.

The look plastered on your features made the room light up. Your mouth was slightly open in awe, as you darted your orbs between the banners, food, presents and people. Tears welled up, slowly cascading down your cheeks. You had expected a fun evening, but you didn't know how much your friends would put themselves out for you.

From the back, Shouto was nudged towards you. He had delicately wrapped parcels in his hands, and he nearly fell from the suddenness of the push.

His solicitous gaze met your watery eyes, and he reached out a hand to wipe away the tears. He moved his attention to the presents, holding them out to you.

"Happy Birthday." His words carried so much more meaning than he would ever know.

"Thank you." Checking if you were allowed to unwrap them, your heart flipped when you saw the contents.

Beaming, you threw your arms around Shouto, forgetting everyone else in the room. You kept repeating "Thank you! Thank you!", as if you thought he couldn't hear. Your voice was slightly muffled, having buried your head in his chest.

He put one arm around you, using the other to move the gifts away. He held you close, resting his head atop yours. At the contact, you quickly pulled back, flushing.

"S-Sorry. I didn't mea-" You tried justifying yourself, but he didn't need you to.

His kiss kept you sedated. It was gentle, but showed all the passion he had been holding in. When you moved your lips against his, he felt elated.

"Would you be my girlfriend?" He questioned, confidence regained.

"I like the sound of that."

[Word Count: 719]

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