Izuku Midoriya

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Requested by: Stopandsmellthememes


His rabid fans swarmed around him like flies, bombarding him with questions about the Sports Festival, and life at UA.

Due to all the attention, Midoriya was becoming increasingly flustered, and the distress was visible on his pale complexion. Had it been permitted, you might have considered using your quirk for the greater good. That is to say – there would be a place in Tartarus reserved especially for you when all was done.

Because, despite contradictory evidence, this was supposed to be a date. To those who knew you, the feelings you had for each other were that of strong friendship.

In other words, you had been secretly dating for a few months now. All was well until Mother Bitch and her gang noticed the poor cinnamon roll, clinging to him the instant they were close enough.

You were discarded – left mumbling to yourself about how you were still there, and the extent of your distaste for their atrocious attitudes.

"Ooh! As expected from Midoriya!" One of them cooed, latching on to his arm.

"His girlfriend is right here." You mumbled, so quietly that they didn't hear.

Not that they were paying you any mind.


Your boyfriend was at a loss for words. He was simply trying to enjoy a relaxing weekend with you; this date had been planned in advance, and he felt awful for having it ruined.

"Say, do you have a girlfriend?" Another asked, slyly.

With their newest comments, you could feel the resentment rising off them like chimney smoke. They had finally acknowledged your presence, but apparently wanted to pass you off as another fangirl.

"I bet it's not this tramp here." One of the girls said, pointing to you.

"I'm more than certain she only wants you for the publicity. I absolutely hate shallow bitches like her." She finished, grinning maliciously.

You scoffed, gazing up at Midoriya for silent advice. He was the best strategist you knew, after all. His expression was one of heavy discomfort and irritation. Deciding that nobody picked on his girlfriend, he calmed down enough to get the point across.

"Yes, she is my girlfriend. I love her because she's not shallow; she's got a beautiful personality and genuinely cares about her friends. As her partner, I have an obligation to protect her. If she gets hurt, then I'm going to help her." He continued on about how kind you were, saying things that made your heart flutter.

It wasn't anything like what you had expected – Midoriya was a rather shy boy around people he wasn't well acquainted with. However, in the heat of the moment, he managed to list attributes about you that he loved; things you didn't even know he was familiar with.

You weren't sure which side of Midoriya you liked more – shy and sweet, or confident and sweet.

Although, as per usual, when his rant ended, he realised his mistake, and before the girls even had time to react, he had pulled you away with him. Taking you to another location, he apologised profusely about the ordeal. While he was preoccupied with the change of location, you wrapped your arms around his torso, earning a yelp from the green haired nerd.

Resting your head on his chest; your breathing in time with his, you listened to his steady heartbeat.

"Thank you."

Your voice came out as a whisper, and you hoped he could hear the authenticity of your words.

"What for?" He questioned, with a tilt of his head.

"Standing up for me. Saying all those nice things." You clarified, smiling happily.

"I wasn't going to let them mess with you. And I meant everything. I really do love you, (Y/n)."

Giggling, you brought your head up to meet his. Your lips connected tenderly, savouring every second of your contact.

"I love you too, nerd."

[Word Count: 640]

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