Katsuki Bakugou

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Massive insecurities and an extreme confidence issue had always been problematic for you, which was strange to think about when considering that you were dating an absolute rage monster. Nobody even knew how the two of you became so close, because apparently the explosive blonde didn't appreciate timidity, especially not in an aspiring hero, and he repeatedly called Deku out for it. Similarly, due to your shy disposition, you failed to initiate physical contact, or even anything verbal – there was always an anxious laughter bubbling in your throat, but it nearly never escaped.

You were such a nervous person, that you let out a high-pitched squeak whenever a projectile flew past your head, or if someone so much as walked past you. The most heart-wrenching scenes, however, were from when an unfortunate individual decided to completely disregard your personal space and all your vulnerability; they oftentimes knocked you to the ground without a shred of sympathy, and the action made your eyes water. It also made your partner's blood boil – so much so that he would desire to rip that person to within an inch of their life, then heal them, and hack them to death.

However, despite being closer to you than all your other classmates, there were still some things that you seemed to gloss over. Exhibit A: your foul, utterly disgraceful, potty-mouthed attitude towards everyone who had ever done you or your loved ones wrong. He hadn't noticed it before, since you always kept to yourself and never strayed past the edge of politeness when in public situations, and the two of you were never really able to be alone for a great deal of time.

So, as he observed your interaction with one of your best friends, he was taken aback by the lack of blossoming cheeks and the way you would purposefully cower in order to not be spotted. You were not currently displaying any of the features or actions he would have expected to find on a timid, adorable little girl.

Keeping out of your line of view, he crept forwards, apprehensive but somewhat delighted by this sudden metamorphosis. He wanted answers, but they could wait until he overheard this apparently very important, highly classified discussion. Everything was hush-hush: you were speaking in a relatively quiet tone, as was your companion, but your brows were furrowed in an irritated fashion. The girl opposite you laughed a little, one hand covering her mouth. Bakugou had always called her 'Ponytail', and he wasn't about to change his feelings or opinions just because she was a good friend to you. Obviously, he was grateful that his sweet, innocent, shy girlfriend was branching out to more people, even if it had taken her quite a long time, but that didn't mean he had to approve of the friendship.

He began hearing your angelic voice, laced with disgust, and very cynical.

"That's just it though! The bitch pushed me out of the way and she had that ugly sneer – I was standing up for myself, but she thought that was 'unacceptable'? I'm telling you, she is such a cow! I can't understand why the people in other departments are so horrible to me all the time! I haven't actually done anything wrong, and if they think I have, I'd prefer to talk it out instead of fighting to the death."

Momo contemplated this, before responding, "It might be because of Bakugou's reputation – he is known throughout the school as hot-headed and explosive. Maybe that's the reason you're being targeted?"

His palms started dripping nitro-glycerine, almost detonating miniature bombs. He was annoyed by that comment, but he reminded himself of the need to be restrained until after this conversation was finished. It amused him to see you getting worked up, in a sadistic sort of way. He loved you dearly – if he was being entirely honest with his heart, then it was safe to say that you were probably the only good thing about him. However, this was simply too amazing of an opportunity; he was thrilled to hear you chatting shit about students from the other departments, because he hated them as well, and once you had ended the exchange, he was willing to walk straight up to whichever losers picked on you this time, and blow them into oblivion.

"Come on, don't bring Katsuki into this! He may be an angry hedgehog, but he's really sweet to me, and I love him so much! I don't particularly care that he gets irritated with the other pupils, because I do too, and to be honest, I think he should put them in their places. They're no better than the rest of us. Everyone here has talent." You weren't certain that you remembered to stop for air.

Then you backtracked: "Everyone but Mineta."

[Word Count: 803]

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