Tenya Iida

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Requested by: SweatPantzzz


"Hey Tenya ~"

You gifted him a teasing smirk, before leaning down to one of your innocent classmates and blowing cold air on to his ear. A frightened, anxious sound ripped through his throat, and he practically jumped to the other side of the room. Hearing laughter, he moved his hands, realising that you were having far too much fun with his anguish. He pouted, blush coating his cheeks. The two of you were great friends, first meeting through Iida, but you still managed to rustle him up all the time.

A saddened spark twinkled behind his glasses – he acknowledged your flirty nature, as he too had lived through/persevered with it, but he couldn't help feeling a little upset. He desperately wanted to put your emotions ahead of his own, especially after that shameful incident in Hosu, but at the same time, he knew that he would have to demand answers soon, because there was a foreign sensation blossoming in his stomach every single time you smiled.

He had loved you since middle school, yet your disposition lead him to believe that you would never settle or be bound to a traditional woman's role, for example having children and being there for him. Not that he wished for you to give up on your admirable dream, of course, but he did want to be closer to you, in a way that was utterly unacceptable for the leader of the student body.

He suffered with these painful thoughts for many a day, before deciding to be confrontational. He had a game plan – invite you round for some studying, politely ask why you keep flirting and making coquettish gestures, and finally: back out completely because he recognised that he wasn't cut out for this type of interrogation. He sighed, wondering why he couldn't gather the slightest smidge of confidence. You were childhood friends, relatively speaking, and he wasn't doing a thing to cease your actions. He needed to be the watchman, and ensure that you didn't get pregnant before you achieved your dream.

Not that he thought you were sleeping around, but there was always that possibility. I mean, you hadn't talked to him about your personal life for a while, so it was plausible that perhaps you found a lover. If so, then he was likely from another school, as he wagered that nobody in class would be able to keep their relationship status a secret for very long, and you didn't really have much interaction with the students from other classes or departments.

He was so deep in thought that he failed to notice you creeping up behind him.

"Tenya ~" You cooed, alerting him when you nipped his ear playfully.

His head snapped to the side, trying to face you, but in actuality, you were behind him. You giggled, leisurely beginning to wrap your arms around his torso. The poor boy couldn't form a coherent reply.

You pressed your body flush against his.

"Can I come over later?" You started. "It's to study, I swear."

Almost absentmindedly, he nodded, granting you permission to access his humble home later that same day. He vaguely recalled hearing you thank him, before instantly moving on to Uraraka. This really caused him to question your actions – it happened all the time, and it was constantly something that he pondered.


You sat on his bedroom floor, even after he insisted that you perch on a more suitable platform, such as the chair he had pulled out for you. To be more specific, you had dropped all your studying materials only ten minutes into the session, opting to crawl behind him and rub circles into his shoulder blades. He was very nervous about this, not exactly understanding your intentions. You had your chest against his back, and your head was resting in the crook of his neck.

While he was becoming more and more flustered, he continued to attempt to revise for the upcoming examinations. However, he didn't get very far, because you decided to snake your hands down to the waistband of his trousers. That was when he officially stopped you, abandoned his supplies, and turned to face your ravishing (e/c) orbs. He was incredibly anxious, not quite knowing what to expect, but he did want answers.

"Why are you doing that?" He asked, cautiously.

You gave him an innocent façade. "I don't know what you mean?"

He sighed. "You always flirt with me – with everyone."

"Oh, are you worried?"

"That's not the problem!" He used a variety of robotic hand movements to illustrate his point.

They weren't helping.

"Then what is...?" You questioned, acting coy.

"I know it's in your nature, and that you've been doing it for years, but it's always bothered me. You don't know how much this affects me – I have to watch you flirting with multiple people, every day. Are you ever going to be serious about anyone? Were you ever serious about me?"

His features flushed a brilliant red, but his words had stunned you into silence. 

[Word Count: 845]

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