Shouto Todoroki

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Requested by: Spookyspagetti


"Hell yeah! Of course I'll go to your concert! Can't pass up an opportunity to hear you sing!" The electric blonde exclaimed, grinning widely.

To all your classmates, you had been giving out tickets to a concert you were holding. It was a relatively small thing, seen as though you were still a high school student, but it was a passion.

Well – at least that was your ostensible reason, anyway. The whole truth was that you desperately wanted to impress your long-time crush, Shouto Todoroki. He had shown no signs of returning your feelings, and you were beginning to get frustrated.

You wanted to know, conclusively, whether your love was unrequited.

Willing your breath to slow to an acceptable pace, you wandered up to his desk, nervous, but displaying only your usual personality: friendly, and bubbly (though not over-the-top).

"Hey Todoroki!" You greeted.

Reciprocating your salutation, he gazed at you with the same bored, monotonous look he gave everyone. Internally, you sighed, wondering if he would even accept your invitation.

"I-I'm performing at the weekend, and I was hoping you'd be there...?" You trailed off.

"You want me to go?" He questioned, suddenly quite curious.

"Well, y-yeah. I mean, the whole class is going, so..."

He made an "ah" noise as he handled the ticket, brushing against your fingers briefly. Though the contact was short-lived, it still managed to make you feel light-headed.

"Sure. I'll be there." He responded, an unnoticeably dampened expression creeping on to his features.


On the day of your concert, you were back stage, preparing to amaze your classmates. When you remembered that Todoroki would be there, your heart rate increased, and you started panicking.

"Oh god...what if it doesn't go well? He probably doesn't like me anyway, so-"

Your pessimistic murmuring was cut short by a voice calling you to the stage. Collecting your breath, you put up a cheery façade, convincing yourself that it would be alright. If it didn't, you could always crawl into a hole and die.

Okay, you've got this (Y/n)! Mission: Impress Todoroki commencing!

Ambling on to the stage, you were greeted with cheering, mainly from the friends you had invited. In the crowd, you saw your person of interest. For a fleeting second, your eyes met, and you gave him a wide smile. As you turned, you missed the light red hue breaking out on his cheeks.

Taking the microphone, you began speaking.

"Hey everyone! Thanks for coming! This first song is dedicated to someone I really like!" You beamed.

After another round of applause, you got ready to sing.

"Knew he was a killer first time that I saw him

Wonder how many girls he had loved and left haunted

But if he's a ghost, then I can be a phantom

Holdin' him for ransom

Some, some boys are tryin' too hard

He don't try at all, though

Younger than my exes but he act like such a man, so

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