Tamaki Amajiki

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A villain was hurtling towards you, seeming to ride on the wind. It was as if they had been forcibly catapulted, and the trajectory was pre-set, so that the villain would crash straight into you. A violent shudder wracked your body. The individual in question looked incredibly malicious, but you were rooted to the spot, unable to even lift a finger. Your mouth was hung open and a distressed expression adorned your face. You really didn't want to die like this; it was such a meaningless death.

Gulping, you attempted to move your legs, but they were frozen. A cold sweat rolled down your forehead, arms and chest. The shopping bags dangling from your fingers slipped, falling over on their sides. This was it. You were going to die. Nothing could have possibly prepared you for this unfortunate moment. That is, if you discount that fact that you were an aspiring hero. You weren't exactly a coward, but when something this confusing and dangerous happened, you weren't really sure what to do.

The villain was almost upon you. There were no heroes. You were surrounded by civilians, but nobody who could easily stop this monster.

Your (e/c) eyes fluttered shut, a singular tear cascading down your cheek.

They never collided.

You remained in perturbed silence, not daring to open your eyes, for fear of seeing the sharp side of a glinting blade. However, instead, you heard gentle footfalls, then laboured breathing. It was close - right next to you, perhaps. You sucked in a gasp, stilling your oxygen flow for a good few seconds. You didn't hear the clinking of metal, nor the screams of someone injured. All you could discern were more footsteps - heavier this time - and a few male voices. You recognised one of them, although you weren't sure where from. You absentmindedly curled and uncurled your fingers. You heard someone run up beside you, and felt a gentle hand on your shoulder. The unknown person shook you slightly, trying to snap you back into reality, now that the danger had subsided. You turned your head, immediately feeling a comforting warmth envelop your entire being; it started with the hand on your shoulder, and spread all the way to your toes. Slowly, you allowed your eyes to open.

"Hey, are you okay?" A red-haired boy asked, running to your side.

You couldn't speak - it was as though all the air had been punched out of you. The male standing anxiously nearby was completely entrancing. There was an adorable twitch in his pointed ears, and a slight quiver in his mouth. His hair was ebony, and seemed so fluffy; you really wanted to pet it. His eyes were dark and clouded over with nerves. He was in his hero costume, but his hood was down, and he had a visor over his eyes. He looked so outstanding, so cute and pure, that a crimson hue spread on your cheeks.

"A-Are you a-alright?" His voice rang in your ears like a choir of angels.

There was a dreamy expression on your face, as you responded, "Yeah..."

"Did she hit her head?" Fatgum yelled, smirking. "Or has she been stunned by you?"

He flushed. "N-Not p-possible..."

"You sure about that?" The pro hero laughed, looking between you and his intern.

The red-haired boy gasped. "Aren't you from UA? I think you're a second year!"

You nodded, voice coming out as barely a whisper. "(Y/n) (L/n)."

"Eijiro Kirishima! And this," He pointed to the man beside you. "Is my senpai. Third year Tamaki Amajiki."

"Tamaki..." You muttered, trying the name on your tongue.

He swallowed thickly, attempting to avoid eye contact with you, despite your interest to look deeply into his onyx orbs. It was difficult, because he genuinely wanted to look at you. Of course he had seen you before, in school, and it was love at first sight. He always broke out in a nervous sweat when you passed by each other. You weren't ever actually looking at him, but he always kept his eyes trained on your figure. He subconsciously tried to glide closer to you in the hallways, just to hear your heavenly voice. He loved your infectious laughter, your bright personality, your compassion and your conviction. He would often become very despondent upon remembering that you didn't even know who he was, and you probably wouldn't ever have the need to talk to him. You were in different years, had different friendship groups, and you were hardly ever in the same place at the same time.

So, now that you were practically in his embrace, staring up at him with wide, curious and affectionate (e/c) orbs, he desperately wanted to look at you. He wanted to pepper you with kisses, cradle you in his arms and bury his face in your chest. He needed the sense of security and trust that you radiated - the one you gave so freely.

His grip wavered, and his fingers detached from your clothing. He stepped back, crossing his arms against his chest and gazing at the ground.

Contrary to his actions, he felt eternally lucky to have been on this particular scene when he was.

Since then, you became determined to seek him out whenever possible, bounding up to him in crowds and shouting his name with a dopey smile plastered on to your features. His friends would laugh and make jokes about the situation, but Mirio tried to convince him to chase his dream. Now that you were aware of his existence, and seemed more than happy just to glimpse him, the blonde figured you wouldn't mind a surprise confession. However, he stayed as reclusive and anxious as ever, never once approaching you on his own, instead waiting until you spotted him walking, and attempted to strike up a conversation. Despite hardly being able to speak at all during your initial meeting, you were actually a complete chatterbox. The shock of that event had long since receded, and you could be yourself again.

You were very grateful.

"Tamaki! Tamaki!" You screamed, pushing your way through the rambunctious crowd.

The Big Three turned their heads.

Mirio was the first to speak. "(Y/n)! How's it going?"

You giggled. "Fine, thank you. I was wondering if I could talk to Tamaki?"

Mirio and Nejire smirked, hauling their friend towards you.

"Take him!" The bluenette yelled.

Your smile widened as you watched them walk away. The nervous male was, well, nervous. Could you finally be bored of him? After all, he didn't really do anything to acknowledge you. He wanted his overwhelming feelings to disappear already, because they were annoying and he didn't think he was worth your time or effort.

"Tamaki." You spoke softly, causing his ears to twitch.

He mumbled, "Y-Yeah?"

You bowed. "I don't think I ever actually said thank you for saving me that day! I'm sorry about that, but I was puzzling over how to say this."

He was completely silent, holding his breath.

When you didn't hear his voice, you gulped, continuing, "I think you're really cute and sweet, and you have an amazing quirk. I really appreciated what you did for me, and I...um...please go out with me!"

His entire face felt like it was on fire. "G-Go o-out...?"

You nodded. "I...want to be your girlfriend. Is that alright? Am I asking too much?"

"U-Uh...I...um...w-well..." He sputtered.

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that!" You lowered your head.

He squeaked. "N-No! I - I...y-yes p-please..."

"Yes?" You asked, unable to believe what you were hearing.

He nodded, embarrassed. "I-I...um, want t-to be your b-boyfriend..."

[Word Count: 1271]

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