Camie Utsushimi - Lemon

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Requested by: PiccalNiccals


"Dang, that looks good on you!"

"It really hugs your body, huh?"

"You look so hot in that."

"Nice curves!"

Camie heard these comments and compliments every single day, and while she had to admit that she revelled in the attention, she was becoming a little tired of it. She wanted you to take the initiative, to do something about your words. You often laughed it all off, sometimes slapping her behind, or snaking your arms around her waist, only to then release her and continue with your day. It was truly exasperating - she would have been flattered, but she heard the same sentences day after day. She pouted, tilting the signature Shiketsu hat to veil the disappointment in her chocolate eyes. It happened most often when she adorned her hero costume, since it was incredibly tight, and partially exposed her breasts. You would whistle, grope and tease her, but you never made an effort to push the boundaries of friendship. You saw all of your actions as amiable, although it wasn't something you did to anyone else. She had gathered this after wistfully gazing at you during class one day, when you were surrounded by your peers. Some of the girls had similar body shapes to her, but you didn't even attempt to compliment or touch them. The most you did was smile and wave.

It clicked in her mind shortly after this, and she started wondering what would make you talk. Her thoughts wandered, transitioning from your facial structure, to your delicate fingers, ghosting over her skin. She loved the coolness of your touch, and wanted to feel more of it. Her own fingers grazed her womanhood, through the uniform. She was beginning to grow desperate, and something was begging her to step things up, since it seemed like you wouldn't. She licked her lips.

There were many desks currently separating the two of you, but soon, the bell would sound, and they would be free to go for lunch. She held her breath, ensuring that nobody could hear the faint sounds threatening to escape her lips. You were on the left, three seats down, so she concentrated on the back of your head, trying to imagine how your hair would feel against her face, and how rough you would be with her. She was a very kinky girl, and definitely wanted to be tied up. She was getting what she craved today, but sometime in the foreseeable future, she would gather a bag of supplies, and let herself into your home. It was evident that she was going to be the submissive one, and she had prepared. She spent countless nights with toys and her own fingers, squirming in bed and envisioning you above her. Obviously, you wouldn't be able to go as far as most couples, because you didn't have the correct genitalia, but she would make you do as much as possible. She wanted to feel you - any part of you - deep inside her. She wanted to cum on you, spread her juices on herself, and watch you lick it off. An uncomfortable heat was pooling in her nether region. The damn bell was a bit late.

Eventually, it blared, sheer force of sound alone enough to smack your teacher into the whiteboard. He stood, coughed, and repositioned his glasses. Then, he dismissed the class. Camie quickly grabbed her belongings, rushed to you, and tugged you out of your seat. An arousing giggle passed your lips. She certainly appeared desperate for something. You remained silent until she opened the door to an empty classroom. She pushed you through, locking it behind her. The hat atop her head was drooping, so you couldn't see her eyes.

"Wow, Cam. Didn't expect you to be so forceful." You laughed, leaning against a desk.

She walked forwards, and you whistled. "Looking good!"

Snorting, she asked, "Well, do you want me to take it off?"

You paused, transfixed, as you watched her slowly pull off all her clothing. Your heart began pounding painfully in your chest, like it was trying to escape your ribcage. This was the moment you had dreamed of every single night. Everything was on display. Your eyes trailed over her voluptuous figure - her large breasts, gorgeous curves, and dripping womanhood. Your mouth was agape in astonishment. She looked even better naked. Your mind clouded over with lust, and you practically attacked her. You pinned her against one of the desks, mouth latching on to her right breast. Your tongue swirled around it, and one of your hands danced over her skin, before settling on her left nipple, pinching and twisting. She moaned, and you thought it was the most amazing sound you had ever heard.

When you were satisfied, you leaned up to capture her lips. It was a rough, passionate kiss, using lots of tongue. You won the battle for dominance, easily, exploring her mouth with vigour. She rubbed her legs together, trying to move your hand downwards. You smirked, complying to her silent demand. Your fingers graced her entrance, prickling the skin. She must have thought that was unfair, because she gripped your wrist, and attempted to press your hand down harder. You broke the kiss, casting your gaze towards her lower region. It was throbbing and wet, needing something inside. She whined for you to push in a finger, or something, just to give her some stimulation.

You furrowed your brows - the two of you, being women, couldn't exactly go very far. She didn't seem to care much though, so you decided to test the water, by inserting one finger. You pushed it in to the knuckle, curling it inside her, and accidentally drawing patterns on her soft flesh. You didn't mean to graze her walls, but there was no way of stopping it. Her back arched every time this happened, which made for a nice view. You added another digit, moving them together in a scissoring motion. She was quite tight, but not nearly as much as you had expected.

"Have you been...prepping yourself?" You questioned, raising a brow.

She nodded, answering, "I...ah! W-Wanted to be ready..."

It was incredible to see her sprawled out on someone's desk, getting finger-fucked. She was completely naked, her womanhood literally dripping. You moistened your lips, inserting a third finger. Her hands flew out, and she held on to you tightly. A little trail of drool was dripping down her chin, and there was a lot of sweat glistening on her body. She clawed at your uniform, pleading with you to add a fourth finger. You were hesitant, but after some coaxing, you eventually did it, spreading her seemingly to full capacity. If only you had some sort of sex toy, because you really wanted to fit something else in there. She cried out, cumming on your fingers. You withdrew them, bringing them to your face, and slowly licking off the evidence. She smirked, widening the gap between her legs, and pointing to it. You figured there should be an 'eat me' sign attached, because of how she was presenting herself like a full meal.

You dropped to your knees, planting your hands on her thighs and moving your face towards her womanhood. You started lapping up all the leftover juices, tickling her skin. When she had been cleaned, you teasingly darted your tongue around her nether region. She closed her legs, trapping your face, and forcing you to remain where you were. She obviously wanted something, so you gave it to her. You stuck your tongue inside, moving it around, prodding her walls and trying to re-establish where her sweet spot was. When you found it, you relentlessly plunged your tongue in and out, hitting the same place every time.

She came again, this time all over your face. Some of it dripped into and around your mouth. You happily devoured it, letting her take care of the rest. Her hands reached your face, stroking your cheeks, and bringing you down. She licked off all the remaining liquid, then captured your lips again. You let her win that round, so that she could properly taste the inside of your mouth. She savoured it, drawing the kiss out for as long as possible.

When she pulled away, you were both panting heavily, minty breaths ghosting over each other's faces, foreheads pressed together. For a while, the two of you were content to just stare into one another's eyes, seeing nothing but pure love. Then, in an unfortunate twist, Camie happened to glance over to the clock, noting that you now only had two minutes left of lunch. Her mouth dropped open, and you panicked, thinking that maybe someone had slipped in the room. However, when you looked back to see the clock, you realised it was something much more urgent. There would soon be an entire second year class wondering why they were unable to open the door.

"We should totally do this again." She stated, grabbing her uniform and stealthily re-clothing herself.

"Yeah." You agreed. "But...somewhere else, okay?"

[Word Count: 1513]

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