Shouto Todoroki

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Wahh...I'm so proud of this - it's my longest one shot ever, at around 4,400 words.


It was Monday, Todoroki reflected, looking solemn. In exactly one week, you, the love of his life, would not only be transferring school, but country. Your father had recently secured a job overseas, and he wanted the whole family to relocate. Todoroki thought this was terribly unfair – he hadn't yet gathered enough confidence to disclose his feelings for you. He had been so scared of rejection, for so very long, that he hadn't done anything about these agonising emotions, and now he might never get the chance.

His mismatched eyes glowed with sadness, as he watched the back of your head. The two of you didn't really exchange words often, but whenever you did, it elevated his heart. He honestly thought that you were the most amazing individual in the entire world, and he would do absolutely anything to be with you.

He listened to your soft sighs, and witnessed you drop your pen multiple times. You seemed distressed, and he gathered that you didn't actually want to move, despite how happy you generally portrayed yourself; to your close circle of friends, you made a lot of excited comments, but he liked to think that he knew you better. You sat in the seat in front of him, so it was easy enough for the poor boy to tear apart your frail façade – you might not have been an open book to someone less observant than himself, but he devoted much of his school time to just watching you. He didn't think of it as anything creepy, because his feelings were pure and unadulterated, and he genuinely just wanted to protect you, with every fibre of his being.

He gulped, reasoning that he had to do something soon – he didn't wish for you to leave without ever acknowledging his emotions. Your deep-seeded insecurities were as clear as day to him, yet he appeared to be the only one who noticed. He didn't want you to continue believing that no-one cared, because he did. He cared so much that it physically pained him every time you smiled around another male, or when you were alone and surveying your surroundings nervously, or when you crossed your arms in front of your chest, in a vain effort to hide what you called 'fat', when really, it was of no cause for concern. Everyone had something they were ashamed of, but Todoroki thought your insecurities were without justification. He didn't believe, at all, that there was anything wrong with your body, and he wished that he could be the one to hold your hand and tell you it was going to be okay.

However, you were moving next week, and that much was set in stone. He decided to grab you before lunch, and let his feelings tumble out of his mouth, like a free, steady waterfall.

He heard the bell, and immediately glanced in your direction. Your shoulders were slumped in a forlorn manner, and when he called out to you, he saw the slight, surprised jolt.


You craned your neck, attempting to seem as 'happy' as usual. 


He nodded, and paused for a moment, before resuming, "Can I talk to you?"

"You're talking to me now." You smiled softly.

"Somewhere more private." He sounded desperate, but you shrugged it off, figuring that you had just heard him incorrectly.

Agreeing, you got up and followed him to somewhere devoid of any people. You were confused, because he had never done this before, and he was generally so monotonous and aloof, but this was something completely different – he moved with urgency, and his voice was possibly lower, with vague hints of sadness and nervousness. You were about to ask what was wrong, when he started talking. At first, you were baffled – surely this couldn't be true. The more his monologue progressed, the more you began to doubt your ears. He was one of the most quietly popular students in your middle school, and although he really didn't care for it, there were a lot of people who wanted to be friends with him, whether it be for malicious intent, or simply because they wanted to give the isolated boy some company.

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