Shouto Todoroki

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Requested by: Levis_Whattpad


The trip back from the hospital was filled with joyous silence. Neither you nor your husband had any words at that moment for how elated you both felt. Having been pregnant for a few months, you finally got the scan that presented you with your child's sex.

It was a girl.

You cried tears of the utmost happiness into Shouto's arm, and gently held your stomach the entire way to your house. This was to be your second child – you had a son at home, who was being looked after by Ochako. She volunteered to stay with him whilst you had your check-up.

He would no doubt have been spoiled.

At the door, Shouto fumbled for his keys, trying to balance getting them out of his pocket, with squeezing your hand. He wanted you to know, more with actions than words, that he was overjoyed, and would be there with you through the whole process.

Miraculously, the door opened and Ochako looked at your beaming faces.

"How did it go? Is it a boy or a girl?" She squealed, hurrying you in to the house.

"A girl." You informed, gazing at your husband lovingly.

Ochako let out a series of giggles, and fangirled to the moon. Her fist went in the air and in an instant, she was on the phone to Midoriya. At first, he attempted to calm his wife, but at the mention of your situation, he too was a mess of squeals.

Out of your peripheral vision, you saw your son slowly advancing forwards, clutching the wall like he wanted to melt into it.

"(S/n), come over here! We have something to tell you!" Hearing your voice, he nodded hesitantly, and made his was up to you.

As per usual, he stuck by his father, tugging at Shouto's leg. Your husband smiled, subsequently picking him up and placing him on his shoulders. He looked at you with apprehension.

"You're going to have a sister." You stated.

Gasping quietly, he made some incoherent noises while jerking violently. It seemed like he wanted to be put down, so Shouto set him on the ground, kneeling beside his son, showing a concerned expression. The face (S/n) made was somewhere between sadness and anger.

Suddenly, as if he had been holding them back for hours, tears began spilling from his eyes. Before either you or anyone else could react, he ran up the stairs in a hurry, and the last thing you heard from him was a door being slammed violently. Ochako sighed.

"He's been uneasy ever since you two left. He seems to think this baby will take all of your attention, Todoroki." She spoke to your husband, her face not without a dampened expression.

"I'm not my father. I won't think any less of him." He said sincerely.

"Honey, why don't you talk to him? He might benefit from a conversation with papa." You managed a smile.

Nervously, he nodded, leaning in to kiss your forehead before following his son's trail. You and Ochako shared a glance.

"I hope everything turns out alright." She sighed.

"It will. Thank you for staying with him. You should get back to Midoriya – I think he said something about wanting a child." You teased, sending a sly look her way.

She erupted in a furious shade of red, stuttering about it 'being too soon' even though they had been married for around two years now. You ushered her out, thankful for her assistance, then proceeded to climb up the stairs to your son's room, where Shouto was waiting.

Peeking through the door, you saw a picturesque scene – your husband cradling your young son in his arms, running a hand through his hair and lulling him to sleep. Shouto rested his head atop (S/n)'s, muttering about how he wasn't going to abandon him, and you later attested to hearing a comical "Your mother says I'm not allowed to have favourites."

Adoration lit up your face like a bonfire.

How could you have married such a perfect man?

[Word Count: 676]

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